If you are at 0o latitude, what imaginary line are you on?
The Equator
How many continents are there on Earth?
What is the name of the symbol on a map that shows directions? (North, South, East, West)
Compass Rose
What is the capital of Utah?
Salt Lake City
What house at Hogwarts does Draco Malfoy belong to?
If you are at 0o longitude, what imaginary line are you on?
The Prime Meridian
What is the largest ocean in the world?
Pacific Ocean
What do we call lines that run east and west on a map?
Lines of Latitude
What is the capital of Idaho?
What is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?
If you are at 40oN, 74oW, which major U.S. city are you in?
New York City
Which continent is home to the Amazon Rainforest?
South America
What do we call lines that run north and south on a map?
Which state's capital is Des Moines?
What does the spell "Riddikulus" do?
It transforms a Boggart into something funny to defeat it
You are at 30oS, 151oE. Which country are you in?
What is the only continent with no permanent human population?
What part of a map helps you measure real distances between places?
Which state's capital is Montgomery?
Who was the first champion chosen by the Goblet of Fire in the Triwizard Tournament?
Viktor Krum
You are at 90oS latitude. Where are you?
The South Pole (Antarctica)
Which two continents are completely in the Southern Hemisphere?
Australia and Antarctica
What is the special name for 0o longitude, the line that divides the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
Prime Meridian
Which state's capital is Madison?
What are the names of the four Marauders who created the Marauder's Map?
Moony (Remus Lupin), Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew), Padfoot (Sirius Black), and Prongs (James Potter)