T or F: Europe is large peninsula that stretches to the west of Asia
What year did the plague arrive in Europe?
What year is Leonardo da Vinci thought to have started the Mona Lisa?
Name the ruler the ancient Greek city-states were once unified under
Alexander the Great
Name three countries that have had failing economies that the EU has had to support
Greece, Italy, and Spain
Name three of the five European countries that are considered to have a humid continental climate
Sweden, Finland, eastern Poland, Slovakia, Hungary
What is another name for the bubonic plague?
The black death
What helped the painting of the Mona Lisa fame skyrocket?
Peruggia’s theft of the painting
Name four areas of ideas that western civilization has derived from Classical Greek culture
Politics, philosophy, science, art
For what purpose was the European Union established?
to create a more unified and stable economy and political atmosphere in Europe
What is a Sirocco Wind?
a hot, steady south wind from North Africa
Why would people have had a “pocket full of posies”?
People believed that bad smells treated the illness and the posies would have been considered a treatment
What is the name of the painting that Sandro Botticelli painted in the mid-1408s
The Birth of Venus
What date/time period is the Venus de Milo artifact from?
100 BC
Name three countries that rank in the bottom five of EU Members for both area and population
Cyprus, Luxemburg, Malta
What European city has a good port site, located at the North end of the Adriatic Sea
How did the plague reach people in Europe when it originated so far away?
Through rats traveling in trade goods and on ships
What year(s) did Leonardo Davinci paint "The Last Supper"
Which Greek philosopher said this famous quote: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
What percentage of the voters in the UK voted to leave the EU?
Which region of Europe has struggled the most to rebuild after world war I and world war II
Eastern Europe
Sometimes the sick would be immersed in liquids such as:
Vinegar and Rose Water
Give an in-depth description of Durer's "Praying hands" in 1508
Answers vary- The drawing shows a close up of two male hands clasped together praying. The image is the most widely reproduced depiction of prayer in the Western world, found on posters, coffee mugs, mobile phones, and has been used as album artwork
What sports did girls participate in ancient Rome
Discus, javelin, and horseback riding
What two words has “Brexit” combined?
Britain and Exit