How do trees meet our material needs and wants?

needs= shelter and fuel, wants= furniture and musical instruments


Why are fish important?

Fish are an important source of food, with lots of health benefits in eating fish regularly. Fish are also an important source of income (jobs, for people who process, pack, transport, and sell fish). Global fisheries are worth over $200 billion per year


How does climate affect soil use and the types of food people eat?

Soil type, climate and landforms affect the types of food people eat. Some areas can only grow crops in the summer (because of seasonal changes)


How can Deforestation harm the soil and waterways?

tree roots anchor soil to the ground, when trees are removed the soil is exposed to wind and water causing erosion, landslides can occur


What happens to animals when entire forests are removed?

When the habitat is destroyed then the animals are threatened, species become endangered or extinct. In Indonesia, the Sumatran orangutan is listed as critically endangered due to deforestation. Sumatran tigers are also affected and there are only 400 left in the wild


Are all forests considered renewable? 

they’re not considered renewable


What is happening to the fish stocks?

Over the past 100 years large numbers of fish have been caught. fish stocks are being greatly reduced. 80% of the world’s fish stocks are fully exploited or overexploited.


In Mongolia, what kind of food is a staple and why?

Meat and Eggs are staple foods because of commercial ranches and difficulty to grow fruits and vegetables


What is Food Loss? What is Food Waste?

food waste- the food that is discarded by consumers and by places that sell food. food loss- the food lost during harvest, production, and distribution


How does overfishing threaten the economy?

In African countries alone, more than 35 million people are employed by the fishing industry. As the populations decline so will the jobs. As the fish populations decline, coastal populations that rely on the food source will be threatened


Why are forests being cut down?

Produce lumber products like paper and cardboard. clear land for farming, mining, roads, building human settlements


What is Overfishing?

Overfishing is when fishers catch too many fish so that the fish stocks can’t renew themselves


What is Subsistence Farming?

small scale farming to produce food to feed a farm family


How can Deforestation lead to Climate Change?

trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helps reduce global warming, a tree in a temperate region absorbs 13 kg of carbon dioxide, a tree in a tropical region absorbs 50 kg of carbon dioxide, forests absorb up to 40% of carbon dioxide released by human activity


How does Deforestation affect Historical Sites?

In Sweden, the economy relies on forestry. Ruins of ancient settlements have been found. ancient settlement sites have been plotted by GPS and are accessed by tourists and forestry companies


What is Clear-Cutting? Why is it bad?

A method of logging by removing all trees from a large area, destroys habitats for animals, exposes soil to erosion, natural waterways are also adjusted, perhaps permanently


Why do you think Overfishing still occurs?

fishing is a business and people profit off of it. Many people catch fish illegally and the estimated value of illegal fishing is in the billions of dollars


What is Commercial Farming?

large scale farming to produce crops or livestock for sale


How much food is lost or wasted? How does this relate to soil health?

⅓ of all food is lost or wasted. Canada, US, New Zealand and Australia waste about 110 kg of food per person per year. Sub-saharan africa only wastes 6-11kg of food per person per year


What are some organizations helping sustainable fishing practices? Describe what they’re doing.

World Wildlife, Marine Stewardship Council,


How is tree harvesting regulated?

laws limit how many trees people are allowed to cut, the ways they’re cut and how new trees are planted another practice is to only harvest a certain type of tree


What is By-Catch? How many fish are caught and thrown away as “By-Catch”?

By-catch are fish or other sea life caught unintentionally when fishing, examples include small whales, dolphins, porpoises, sharks, sea turtles and seabirds, it’s estimated that up to 40% of all fish and marine animals caught are thrown away as by-catch


What is Soil Degradation? What is the problem with Soil Degradation?

Soil Degradation is the loss of soil quality and ability to grow plants. poor soil quality=poor food quality


How can countries save the soil or prevent soil degradation?

The New Zealand government is planting trees to prevent erosion. Organic farming reduces soil degradation by leaving some areas unfarmed. natural fertilizers are used instead. crop rotation is another way to protect soil


How does Deforestation affect Small Scale Farmers?

lose access to forest resources, such as fuel and food, soil becomes degraded due to erosion, farmers must relocate in some cases
