What is compass rose
A body of land surrounded by water.
What is a island
a portion of the ocean that penetrates land.
a lake or an inlet of the sea.
the ocean by the party surrounding land and there are about 50 seas that include water bodies.
What is sea
the four continentel directions
What is North, east, west, south
A broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward.
a long, deep, narrow body of water that reaches far inland.
what is a fjord
a large body of water surrounded by land.
What is a lake
The narrow passage is the water connecting to the two seas or in large waters.
what is strait
the four intercontinental directions.
the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries.
what is geografy
wetlands that form as rivers empty their water and sediment into another body of water.
a narrow piece of land connecting two larger areas across an expanse of water by which they are otherwise separated.
what is a Isthmus
The branch that flows into the mainstream to the White River, the Arkansas River and Red River.
What is the tributary
Imaginary lines that divide the Earth. They run north to south from pole to pole, but they measure the distance east or west.
What is lines of longitude
an imaginary line around the middle of a planet or other celestial body.
What is the equater
an artificial waterway designed for navigation that people could cross the water with boats or ships.
what is a canal
a body of water sheltered by natural or artificial barriers. Harbors can provide safe anchorage and permit the transfer of cargo and passengers between ships and the shore.
What is a harbor
low area that’s between a hill and mountain.
what is a valley
A section on a ,map that shows you what symbols mean
what is a legend/ map key
a group of islands
a high point of land that extends into a river, lake, or ocean.
what is a cape
The portion of a land that is nearby water that is connected to a larger body by an isthmus.
a length of water wider than a strait.
What is a chanel