Earths Layers
Rocks and Fossils
Show the slide B of cross-section of earth A,B,C,D,E
Show the slide A of fossils in layers of earth
Solar Scale and System

The mineralized remains of organisms and the rock layers in which they are found

What is a Fossil record


In a moon phase investigation, students made two predictions about a solar eclipse: that it is only visible in certain areas on Earth, and that it is caused by this.

What is the Moon blocking the sunlight?


According to the Law of Superposition, this layer in an undisturbed sequence is considered the oldest.

What is the bottom layer (Layer C)?


This fossil, often found in the lowest rock layers, is considered one of the oldest known marine arthropods, placing it at the bottom of the fossil sequence.

What is a trilobite?


If a volleyball with a diameter of 25.6 cm is used to represent the Sun, this planet, the third from the Sun, would be represented by an object about 0.26 cm in diameter.

What is Earth?


The sedimentary layers of rock in Earth

What is Rock strata


This principle states that in an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks, the oldest layers are at the bottom, and the youngest are at the top.

What is the Law of Superposition?


This is the geological process that caused all the layers to shift, which occurred after the formation of the other layers.

What is faulting or shifting (Layer E)?


This type of fossil, characterized by its coiled shell, is found after trilobites but before ammonites in the fossil record.

What is a gastropod?


Jupiter has 67 moons, which is more than any other planet in the solar system because it has this characteristic that allows it to pull many celestial objects into its orbit.

What is a strong gravitational pull?


The study of rock layers

What is Stratigraphy


The Law of Superposition is primarily used to determine the relative ages of these, which are preserved remains of organisms from past geological periods.

What are fossils?


This term refers to a geological event that bends or distorts rock layers, making it the youngest layer in the sequence.

What is deformation (Layer D)?


Appearing after gastropods, this fossil is of an extinct marine mollusk, known for its spiral-shaped shell and is commonly found in rock layers younger than trilobites.

What is an ammonite?


Jupiter’s ability to attract and hold onto 67 moons is largely due to its massive size and high level of this property, which refers to the amount of matter packed into a given volume.

What is density?


The preserved remains or trace of an organism

What is a Fossil


The Law of Superposition applies best to this type of rock, which forms in layers from the accumulation of material over time.

What is sedimentary rock?


This scientific principle helps explain why Layer C is the oldest and Layer D is the youngest in an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks.

What is the Law of Superposition?


This fossil, commonly associated with ancient land plants, is found above ammonites in the rock layers, placing it among the younger fossils in the sequence.

What is a fern?


When Earth is in location 1 on the diagram of seasons, the season in Maryland would be this, because the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun.

What is winter?


The measurement to describe the timing and relationship of the events that have occurred throughout Earth’s history

What is Geologic time scale


When a fossil is found in deeper rock layers according to the Law of Superposition, this can be inferred about its age.

What is it older than fossils found in shallower layers?


When a layer is deformed, it can be concluded that this occurred after the deposition of all other layers.

What is deformation or folding (Layer D)?


From the bottom layer to the top, the correct order of these fossils from oldest to youngest is trilobite, gastropod, ammonite, and this plant fossil.

What is a fern?


Using the students' model, if Earth's gravitational pull increased, this is what would most likely happen to the motion of the Moon.

What is the Moon moving closer to Earth?
