Metamorphic Rock
Metamorphic Rock 2
Sedimentary Rock
Sedimentary Rock
This is NONfoliated rock? slate, schist, gneiss, or marble.
What is marble?
Metamorphic rocks may generally be distinguished from igneous rocks because: the grains of igneous rock are interlocking, whereas they are not interlocking in a metamorphic rock; metamorphic rocks are foliated, whereas igneous rocks are not; their mineral assemblages are different; or they are generally finer grained
What is metamorphic rocks are foliated, whereas igneous rocks are not?
You would most likely find the remains of plants in a deposit of: limestone, sandstone, peat, or breccia.
What is peat?
Sedimentary rocks make up this much of the volume of the earth's crust. very little OR a large part.
What is very little?
The process whereby dissolved mineral matter precipitates in the pore spaces of sediment and binds it together is: compaction, weathering, rounding, cementation or bedding.
What is cementation?
An excellent rock for billiard table tops, floor and roofing tiles, and blackboards is: marble, hornfels, gneiss, slate, or phyllite.
What is slate?
The metamorphic rock formed from limestone is: quartzite, slate, hornfels, greenstone, or marble.
What is marble?
This is most likely to represent a deposit formed on dry land? Black shale, Red sandstone, Mudrocks, or Dolomite.
What is Red sandstone?
Which is most likely to be an evaporite? Black shale, Rock Salt, Mudrocks, or Dolomite.
What is Rock Salt?
A foliated rock is foliated: parallel to bedding planes, parallel to the greatest compression, at right angles to the greatest compression, or at right angles to the direction of stretching.
What is at right angles to the greatest compression?
Three minerals which are NOT normally found in sedimentary and igneous rocks are: quartz, biotite and plagioclase, sillimanite, kyanite and garnet biotite, muscovite and clay, or garnet, kyanite and feldspar
What are sillimanite, kyanite and garnet?
Metamorphic zones are identified by: index minerals, index fossils, index rocks, or index pressure.
What are index minerals?
The single most characteristic feature of sedimentary rocks is: widely varying grain sizes, sole marks, the presence of nodules, or stratification (bedding).
What is stratification (bedding)?
Mud cracks are most likely to form by: Rapidly changing patterns of erosion and deposition, Gently oscillating waves, Periodic exposure to the air and drying out, or Fast-moving water that gradually slowed down.
What is Periodic exposure to the air and drying out?
Which would be least likely to indicate a desert environment?: Large cross-beds, Coal, Evaporite, or Mud cracks/
What is coal?
Which of the following is NOT a metamorphic mineral? graphite, garnet, asbestos, gypsum, or talc.
What is gypsum?
A place where rocks are probably being subjected to contact metamorphism a mile under Mount Saint Helens, 15 miles beneath Japan, a mile under Wisconsin, or 3 miles under Florida.
What is a mile under Mount Saint Helens?
In a cliff, you see coal near the base, then sandstone above it, then limestone, then sandstone again, and finally coal near the top. This pattern most likely means: The sea retreated and then advanced again, The sea advanced and then retreated again, The climate changed from warm to cold and back, or Rainfall decreased and then increased again.
What is The sea advanced and then retreated again?
A mature sedimentary rock would exhibit which of these features? Unstable mineral fragments, Angular mineral fragments, A wide variety of particle sizes, Fragments of olivine and pyroxene, or Stable mineral fragments.
What is Stable mineral fragments?
Deposits of clay become consolidated to form: limestone, sandstone, shale, or evaporite.
What is shale?
Pressure exerted equally in all directions on rocks in the crust is: differential, shear, directional, or lithostatic.
What is lithostatic?
Which type of metamorphism produces the majority of metamorphic rocks? contact, lithostatic, dynamic, lithospheric, or regional.
What is regional?
The most abundant detrital sedimentary rocks are: limestones, mudrocks, sandstones, arkoses or evaporites.
What are mudrocks?
If an aggregate of sediment consists of particles that are all about the same size, it is said to be: well sorted, sandstone, poorly rounded, lithified, or completely abraded.
What is well sorted?
Metamorphic rocks form a significant proportion of: shields and coastal plains OR oceanic crust and the cores of mountain ranges
What are shields and coastal plains?