Which geologic time period makes up 88% of the Earth's 4.6 Ga?
What is Precambrian
the mid continent rift occurred at _____ billion years
what is 1.1 billion years
what mineral is this?
what is galena
This person was heavily involved in religion and is credited with first coming up with 2 major geologic concepts, deep time and mineralogy
Who is Nicolaus Steno
the youngest sea floor occurs...
what is along the mid-ocean ridges
what gas is released when HCL/acid id placed on a carbonate mineral
what is carbon dioxide
what stream order type is most likely to be 'flashy' on a hydrograph
what is low(1 or 2)
what Mineral is this?
what is Galena
what time of the year in the Midwest would offer the greatest chance for groundwater recharge
what is fall
what is this
what is orthoclase
climate change is similar to weather as it is a product of temperature and precipitation, but markedly different in __?__ and __?__
What is space and time