Key Concepts
True or False

Give the vocabulary word that matches this definition:

A feature that forms on the surface of a planet, such as a mountain, channel, or sand dune



Complete this key concept: When landforms on different rocky planets look alike, it is evidence that ________________________.

They may have been formed by the same geologic process.


True or False: The biosphere refers to the rocky part of a planet.

(If false, 100 bonus points to change the sentence to make it true!)

False.  The geosphere refers to the rocky part of a planet.

Fill in the blank: A ____________ question is something that can be tested and backed up by evidence.



Give the vocabulary word that matches this definition:

A proposed answer to a question about the natural world



Earth, Mars, and other rocky planets can be thought of as systems.  These systems are made up of interacting spheres.  What are the names of these four spheres?

Geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere


True or false: Reasoning is scientific fact and evidence is the explanation behind why reasoning is important.

(If false, 100 bonus points to change the sentence to make it true!)

False.  It is the other way around.  Evidence is scientific fact and reasoning is the explanation behind why evidence is important.


Based on the evidence we gathered, which of our two claims did we decide is the most convincing?

Flowing lava formed the channel on Mars.

Flowing water formed the channel on Mars.

(Bonus 100 points if you can tell me the piece of evidence that strongly suggests water over lava!)

Flowing water formed the channel on Mars.

Evidence Card F: The rock found at the base of the channel on Mars.  The rock is conglomerate, which is a type of rock formed by sediment and found by flowing water on Earth.


Define geologic process.  Your definition should also give at least two examples.

An event or series of events that that causes changes in the geosphere such as flowing water or lava.
Give at least two reasons that scientists use models.


1) To test their ideas

2) To get evidence about processes in the natural world that are difficult to observe


True or false: Basalt is a type of rock that is formed by sediments and is found near flowing lava.

(If false, bonus 100 points for correcting the sentence to make it true!)

False: Basalt is a type of rock formed from cooling lava.

What is the name of the rock that is made of sediments, found near flowing water on Earth, and was also found at the base of the channel on Mars?

Conglomerate rock


What is the definition of a system?  Also, give at least two examples of systems.

A set of interacting parts forming a complex whole.


1) Earth

2) Machine

3) School


Fill in the blank: __________ can provide evidence about the past because they remain after the geologic process that formed them stops happening.



True or false: The two things a planet needs in order to be considered habitable are a source of energy and water.

(If false, 100 bonus points to correct it to make it true!)



Consider this sentence. "In satellite and aerial images, we can see that rivers on Earth have similar shapes to the channel on Mars."

Which of the following is this an example of?

A. Reasoning

B. Evidence

C. Claim

B. Evidence

This is a factual statement.


Consider the scientific "evidence" and "reasoning."  How are they related, and how are they different?

Evidence: Information about the natural world that is used to support or go against (refute) a claim

Reasoning: The process of making clear how your evidence supports your claim

They are paired to support a claim in a scientific argument.  The evidence is the facts, and the reasoning tells why the evidence is important and connects back to the claim.


While models are great tools for scientists, they are not perfect.  Give one potential downfall of models.

They are not exactly the same as the natural process they are representing.  They are often on a smaller scale, made of different materials, etc. and, therefore, are not a perfect representation.


True or false: Landforms cannot provide evidence about the past because they disappear after the geologic process that formed them stops happening.

(If false, 100 bonus points to correct it and make it true!)

False.  Landforms can provide evidence about he past because they remain after the geologic process that formed them stops happening.

Consider this statement. "Because the rivers on Earth and Mars look alike, they may have been formed by the same geologic process."

Which of the following is this an example of?

A. Reasoning

B. Evidence

C. Scientific Question

A. Reasoning

This sentence is explaining why evidence is important and how it connects back to the claim.
