I have 4 equal sides. I have 4 corners. I am flat. I am closed.
Draw me, then answer.
What is a square.
I have three straight sides and 3 vertices.
What is a triangle
People like me because they eat ice cream in me!
I rhyme with bone.
Draw me, then answer
What is a cone.
I go around and around and have zero sides and zero vertices. I look like a moon, the letter o and a cookie
Draw me, then answer:)
What is a circle
Name one student in the class and tell us about an activity they like.
Were they correct?
I am the shape of this box. I have 4 sides and 4 corners. Two of my sides are long and 2 are short. All of my sides are parallel. Draw me first then answer.
What is a rectangle.
I have 4 straight sides. Two are long and two are short. I am a plane shape. All of my sides are parallel.
Try drawing me before you answer
What is a rectangle.
I am the shape of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. I roll well so I get kicked around a lot. I have no faces or flat surfaces and no vertices. Sphere or square?
What is a sphere.
I am a shape that stands for love.
I have one vertex and I''m symmetrical on both sides. En español es un corazón! Draw me!
What is a heart
Tell the class one activity you like to do.
Did the student tell us something about themselves?
I am a plane shape because I am flat. I try to trick people because I sometimes look like a triangle with the top cut off. I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. Two sides are parallel, but 2 are not. Don't let me trap you!
What is a trapezoid.
I look like a diamond. All 4 of my sides are parallel. I have 4 corners that are not all the same.
Draw two parallel lines, then answer
What is a rhombus or parallelogram.
I have 2 faces but no edges. I look like a paper towel roll or a battery. Am I a cylinder or a rectangle?
Clue- remember -NO EDGES:)
What is a cylinder
I almost like a circle but my sides are longer.
What is an oval
Choose a student in the class and tell us a color that they like. Think about what they wear, what colors they like to use when drawing...
Were they correct?
I shine bright. Women wear me on a ring. I have 4 sides and 4 corners. They are parallel. I am like a square that is turned. Draw me first, then answer.
What is a diamond
I have 6 straight sides and 6 vertices.
Is it a hexagon or a circle?
What is a hexagon.
My two faces look like triangles. I have 3 edges and 6 corners. I make a nice roof on a house.
What is a triangular prism
I am the shape of a ball.
Am I a sphere or a triangle?
What is a sphere.
Choose a student and ask them what do they like to eat for breakfast?
Use a good tone of voice, look at the person, and be polite
How did they do?
All 4 of my sides are parallel. My 4 vertices are not right angles which means they are not 90 degrees.
What is a parallelogram.
I have 5 straight sides and 5 vertices. I am a plane shape.
What is a pentagon.
I have 6 faces with 4 equal sides so all of my faces are the same. I rhyme with tube, ice cubes come in this shape and I am fun to roll when playing a game.
What is a cube.
I am the shape of a box of cereal or a tissue box. I have 6 faces and 8 vertices.A rectangular prism or a sphere? Clue-Tissue box
What is a rectangular prism
Choose a student and ask them what music they listen to.
How did they do?