What angle is exactly 90 degrees?
Right Angle
Name a shape that has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles.
What type of lines cross at a 90 degree angle?
Perpendicular Lines
What triangle has one 90 degree angle?
Right Triangle
I have 6 sides.
What angle is less than 90 degrees?
Acute Angle
Name a shape the has two pairs of parallel sides but doesn't have to have all equal sides (but it can).
What type of lines will never cross?
Parallel Lines
What triangle has all angles that are less than 90 degrees?
Acute Triangle
I have 5 sides.
What angle is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees?
Obtuse Angle
How many pairs of parallel sides does a trapezoid have?
1 pair
What lines cross but NOT at a 90 degree angle?
Intersecting Lines
What triangle has one angle that is more than 90 degrees?
Obtuse Triangle
I extend in both directions forever.
What is the name of the point where two lines connect to form the angle?
How many acute and how many obtuse angles does a rhombus have?
2 acute and 2 obtuse
What is a section of a line that has two endpoints?
Line Segment
What triangle has all equal sides and all equal angles?
Equilateral Triangle
I have one pair of parallel sides and one pair of lines that will intersect.
What angle is more than 180 degrees?
Reflex Angle
Name a shape where all the angles always equal 180 degrees.
What is a line with a single endpoint on one side and one side that continues forever in one direction?
What triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles?
Isosceles Triangle
I am a type of triangle that has no equal sides and no equal angles.
Scalene Triangle