Finding Points
Finding Points Lvl. 2
3rd Dimensions

The apple tree is only 1 mile away, and when you're there, you climb up a 2-mile-long ladder.

What is (1,2)?


You realize the construction is 7 feet behind you. The construction is 10 feet tall.

What is (-7,10)?


The block tower is 2 blocks tall and 1 block wide. If you stack one more block, you add an additional column. You decide to stack the blocks 7 blocks tall.

Is it 6 blocks wide?


You and your friend draw a shape. You friend's shape is 1 centimeter right and 1 centimeter down. It either forms a 3D shape or not.

Is it a yes?


This is a way to show the origin.

What is (0,0)?


You venture 2 down, and 4 to the right, into the sea.

What is (4,-2)?


The orange tree is currently 1 inch long and 5 inches tall. If it continues to grow like this, it will eventually be 7 inches long.

Is it 35 inches tall?


You and Victor are experimenting with a mini rocket that can stick to floors, ceilings, and walls. The mini rocket will go 3 down and 1 left to the origin. It either forms a 3D shape or not.

Is it a no?


You take an elevator and go to floor 4 after 3 miles of walking.

What is (3,4)?


The underground bomb is 4 feet deep, half of a foot away from you.

What is (0.5,-4)?


The papers are overlapped by 3 inches, length and width. The white paper is 9 inches long, 5 wide.

Is it (8,12)?


Your class has a test of forming 3D shapes using complicated shapes. Your grade is an F. You either drew a 3D shape or not.

Is it a no?


You start at (9,2) and go 1 left and 2 up.

What is (8,4)?


You discover a rocket going up to 4 yards high, going half a yard to the left every yard up.

What is (-2,4)?


You have a triangle 5 inches wide. If you flip it, the perimeter is 22.

Is it 6 inches tall?


2 people drew a 3D shape, but the remaining 3 did not. It's mostly either a yes or no.

Is it mostly a no?


You are a pirate looking for treasure. You go 6 yards to the right and 1 yard down.

What is (6,-1)?


The mole grounds only require you to dig 1.5 miles down, and the angry moles are 3 feet behind you, ready to chase.

What is (-3,-1.5)?


You and your friend have a geometry quiz. The triangle goes down 9 to the origin. If you turn the triangle into a square, the area is 81.

Is it 9 to the side?


You and your friend draw something different. You drew lines next to each other, but your friend draws one line only.

Is it a yes, then a no?
