A precise location or place on a plane that is usually represented by a dot.
What is a point?
A statement that we take to be automatically true.
What is a postulate?
What is 18
There are this many types of proofs
What is 3?
Visual-spatial branch of math
What is geometry?
A straight path that continues in both directions forever.
What is a line?
An example that shows a statement or conjecture is false.
What is a counter example?
What is a variable?
It is a placeholder that is represented with a symbol or letter.
This type of proof uses a table and places statements in the first column and reasoning in the second column
What is two column?
Lines that are two intersecting lines that form a 90 degree angle
What is perpendicular?
A flat two-dimensional object that has no thickness and extends forever.
What is a plane?
A statement that is based on inductive reasoning but has not yet been shown to be true.
What is conjecture?
What is a Coefficient?
A numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression (e.g. 4 in 4x y).
This type of proof is a concept map where statements are placed in the boxes and the reason for each statement are placed under the box.
What is a flow chart?
The point where rays meet.
What is the vertex?
A portion of a line located between two points.
What is a line segment?
Reasoning that reaches conclusions based on a pattern.
What is inductive?
4x2+3x-2 when x=2
In geometry we use this reasoning to prove statements are true
What is deductive reasoning?
Two lines that are on the same plane but do not intersect?
What are parallel lines?
A piece of a line that starts at one point and extends infinitely on one direction.
What is a ray?
A type of reasoning using given and previously known facts to reach a logical conclusion.
What is the y-intercept for the following line?
This type of proof uses statements and their reasoning is written together in logical order in a written form.
Formed by two rays with the same endpoint.
What is an angle?