An entry-level extreme demon created by Neigefeu.
What is Acu?
A famous difficult wave challenge at the high end of the Challenge List.
What is VSC?
A cutesy styled level revolving around an adorable moon
What is Moonlight by Unzor?
The creator of WHAT
Who is Spu7nix?
A Medium Demon made by Serponge and Serg in 2.0
What is HeLL?
A mid-tier extreme megacollab hosted and verified by Riot in late 1.9
What is Bloodbath?
The longest running top one extreme demon on the Demon List.
What is Tartarus?
The first part of a now famous Extreme Demon series that is only six stars
What is Dedication by Nikroplays?
The creator of X
Who is TriAxis?
An Easy Demon made by bli in 2.1 for the Discord Gauntlet
What is Change of Scene?
A high-end extreme demon made as the final level in a collab series created by two well-known creators.
What is Plasma Pulse Finale?
A former top one Challenge List level which was moved down due to frame perfect errors.
What is The Third Varient?
The creator of Silent Clubstep
Who is TheRealSailent?
A Hard Demon made by Dolphe in mid to late 2.1 as part of a level series of theirs
What is Ocellios?
An incredibly difficult extreme demon verified after several years of being created, being the first level of a now famous trend/series of levels.
What is Silent Club?
A level famous for impossibility despite it being very low in the Impossible Levels List.
The creator of Christmas Is Here
Who is Hack695?
A Hard Demon made in 2.2 that most would consider Insane Demon, which uses an NCSxGD song
What is Backstreet Boy?
An unrated extreme demon verified by LordVaderCraft that uses a Knife Party song used in an impossible osu!mania map.
What is Centipede?
A Challenge List level that has a player do a part in Sakupen Circles 8 times in a row.
What is Demotivation Dance?
The creator of Centipede
Who is zander12?
An epic rated Easy Demon made in 2.2 that was originally initially only featured, which uses a song with concerning lyrics, but a great melody
What is Overdose?