Inductive reasoning
Statements and negations
Law of Detachment and Syllogism
Deductive Reasoning

The number that comes next in the sequence: -1, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19... (Use inductive reasoning)

What is 23?


The truth value of the following statement: Austin High School is located in Houston,Texas.

What is true?


Use the Law of Detachment if possible.

If a student gets an A on a final exam, then the student will pass the course.

The student gets an A on the final exam

What is "the student passes the course".


The hypothesis of the following conditional: "If you hear the fire alarm, then you should exit the building."

What is "you hear the fire alarm"?


According to the Law of Detachment, you can conclude this if you know: A: "If you can dream it, you can do it." and B: "You can dream it."

What is "you can do it"?


The number that comes next in the following sequence: -5, 15, -45, 135, ...

What is -405?


The negation of the following statement:I will not pass my test Friday.

What is "I will pass my Test Friday"?


Use the Law of Syllogism if possible.

If you are studying botany, then you are studying biology.

If you are studying biology, then you are studying a science

What is yes, If you are studying botany, then you are studying a science.


The conclusion of the following conditional: If they raise enough money, then the student group will go on a field trip.

What is "the student group will go on a field trip"?


According to the Law of Syllogism, you can conclude this, if you know that A: "If it is July or August, then it is summer." and B: "If it is summer, then it will not snow."

What is "If it is July or August, then it will not snow."?


The number that comes next in the sequence: 14, 13, 11, 8, 4, -1, -7, ...

What is -14?


The truth value of the negation of a true statement.

What is "false"?


Use the Law of Detachment if possible.

If you run every day, then you will not be a couch potato.

You are a couch potato.

What is "no"


The truth value of the inverse of a conditional if the converse is false.

What is "false"?


The law that says if p -> q and q -> r are both true, then p -> r is true.

What is the Law of Syllogism?


The vocabulary word for a guess or prediction made using inductive reasoning.

What is a conjecture?


The negation of "Points A, B, and C are collinear".

What is "Points A, B, and C are noncollinear"?


Use the Law of Detachment if possible.

If it is rainy outside, then the sun is behind clouds. The sun is behind the clouds. 

What is you cannot use the law of detachment.


The inverse of the conditional: If you live in Albany, then you live in New York.

What is "If you do not live in Albany, then you do not live in New York."?


The property that justifies the next step you would use in solving the following equation: -3x + 9 = 12

What is the Subtraction Property of Equality?


The next item in the sequence: +.-.+ +.-.-.+ +.-.-.-.+

What is +.-.-.-.-.+?


The student who is right: Student A: "Statements are always true and negations are always false". Student B: "No, statements can be true or false and negations can be true or false"

Who is Student B?


Use the Law of Syllogism if possible.

If it is summer time, then it is hot outside.

If it is summer time, then I will go swimming.

You cannot apply the law of syllogism.


The truth value of the converse of the following statement: "If a polygon is a rectangle, then it is a square."

What is "true"? ("If a polygon is a square, then it is a rectangle" is true)


Use the Law of Detachment if possible.

If cats prowl, mice will scatter.
Mice are scattering.

What is not possible to use law of detachment.
