Patterns and Inductive Reasoning
Conditional Statements
Deductive Reasoning

The next two terms in the sequence of 1,3,5,8,11,15,19,24, ______, _______

What is 29, 35


Identify the hypothesis and conclusion of the following conditional statement. If the sidewalks are wet, then it has been raining.

What is the sidewalks are wet and it has been raining


A conclusion based on a pattern of examples or past events.

What is inductive reasoning


Make a conclusion if possible... If cats prowl, mice will scatter. Cats are prowling

What is mice will scatter


Find a counterexample for: If a month starts with J, then it is the summer.

What is January


Double Jeopardy...The next term in the sequence of 1/2, 2/6,3/18,4/54, ____

What is 5/162


Determine if the conditional statement is true or false..if false provide a counter example If the figure has four congruent angles, then the figure is a square.

What is a rectangle


A conclusion that you reach based on inductive reasoning.

What is a conjecture.


Make a conclusion (if-then statement) if possible. To take Algebra II, you must first take Geometry. To take Geometry, you must first take Algebra I.

What is to take Algebra II you must first take Algebra I


What is the negation of "The grass is green."

What is the grass is not green.


A counter example for the following statement: The sum of two integers is always positive.

What is -13 + 2


Write the converse of the following conditional: If the temperature outside is below freezing, then ice can form on the sidewalks.

What is ..if ice can form on the sidewalks, then the temperature outside is below freezing.


An example used to prove a conjecture false.

What is a counterexample


Make a conclusion if possible. If you pass the road test then you will get your driver's license. Samantha passed the road test.

What is Samantha will get her driver's license


What is the negation of "It is not my birthday."

What is It is my birthday.


Find the next two terms in the sequence....B, C, D, F, G, H, ...

What are J and K


Write the contrapositive of the following conditional: If the shoe fits, then you can wear it.

What is if you can't wear it, then the shoe does not fit.


This property states that for any real number a, a=a

What is the reflexive property


Double Jeopardy... Make a conclusion if possible... If Billy goes to the gym, then he will wear athletic socks. Billy is wearing athletic socks

What is no conclusion.


Is this inductive or deductive reasoning and why? When I was a freshman, I ate first lunch. When I was a sophomore, I at first lunch. When I was a junior, I ate first lunch. So next year, I think I will eat first lunch.

What is inductive reasoning because it follows from a pattern.


Provide a counterexample for: All states in the United States share a border with another state.

What is Hawaii or Alaska?


Given the following conditional: If it is snowing then it is cloudy.... The following statement is the converse, inverse, or contrapositive.... If it is not snowing then it is not cloudy.

What is inverse


A process that uses facts, definitions, accepted properties, and the laws of logic to form a logical argument.

What is deductive reasoning.


Write a new conditional (if-then) statement...If I go to the movies, then I will order popcorn. If I order popcorn, then I am happy.

What is If I go to the movies, then I am happy.


Is this inductive or deductive reasoning and why? Any prime number is only divisible by itself and 1. So 7 is a prime number.

What is deductive reasoning because it follows from a fact.
