This quadrilateral has four equal sides and four right angles.
What is a square?
An angle that is 90 degrees.
What is a right angle?
A triangle with three equal sides.
What is an equilateral triangle?
Lines that never touch and stay the same distance apart.
What are parallel lines?
This quadrilateral has opposite sides that are equal and four right angles, but its sides are not necessarily the same length.
What is a rectangle?
An angle that is smaller than 90 degrees.
What is an acute angle?
A triangle with two equal sides.
What is an isosceles triangle?
Lines that cross each other.
What are intersecting lines?
This quadrilateral has only one pair of parallel sides.
What is a trapezoid?
An angle that is larger than 90 degrees but smaller than 180 degrees.
What is an obtuse angle?
A triangle that has one 90-degree angle.
What is a right triangle?
Lines that meet at a 90-degree angle.
What are perpendicular lines?
This quadrilateral has opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length, but it does not have to have right angles.
What is a parallelogram?
A straight angle measures exactly this many degrees.
What is 180 degrees?
A triangle that has one angle greater than 90 degrees.
What is an obtuse triangle?
If two perpendicular lines intersect, the four angles they create are each this many degrees.
What is 90 degrees?
This quadrilateral is an equilateral parallelogram.
What is a rhombus?
An angle that measures more than 180° but less than 360°
What is a reflex angle?
A triangle with no equal sides.
What is a scalene triangle?
Lines that are parallel are labelled with these.
What are arrows?