Triangle Congruence
Quadrilateral Properties
Triangle Trigonometry
Perimeter, Circumference & Area
Geometric Solids
If three sides of one triangle are equal to three sides of another triangle, the triangles are congruent because of this criteria.
What is SSS (Side-Side-Side)?
This quadrilateral has the following properties: opposite sides are parallel opposite angles are congruent diagonals bisect each other
What is a parallelogram?
This is the mnemonic used to remind which function uses which sides of a right triangle.
What is SOH CAH TOA?
This measurement of the outside of a circle is equal to 2 x pi x radius.
What is circumference?
The volume of this solid is equal to the area of the base (B) x height (h).
What is a prism?
If two right triangles have congruent hypotenuses and at least one other congruent side, what is the congruence criteria.
HL (Hypotenuse-Leg)
This quadrilateral has the following properties: opposite sides are parallel and congruent opposite angles are congruent and all are right angles diagonals bisect each other and are congruent
What is a rectangle?
The function that utilizes the opposite side and the adjacent side of a reference angle.
What is tangent?
The area of this shape is equal to base x height.
What is a parallelogram?
The volume of this solid is equal to pi x radius squared x height.
What is a cylinder?
It two sides and the included angle of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides and angle of another triangle, the triangles are congruent because of this criteria.
What is SAS (Side-Angle-Side)?
This quadrilateral has the following properties: opposite sides are parallel and all four sides are congruent opposite angles are congruent diagonals bisect each other and are perpendicular diagonals bisect opposite angles
What is a rhombus?
The function that utilizes the opposite side of the reference angle as well as the hypotenuse.
What is sine?
The area of this shape is equal to 1/2 x (base 1 x base 2) x height
What is a trapezoid?
The surface area of this solid is equal to 4 x pi x radius squared.
What is a sphere?
If two angles and the included side of one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles and side of another triangle, the two triangles are congruent because of this criteria.
What is AAS (Angle-Side-Angle)?
This quadrilateral has the following properties: opposite sides are parallel and all four sides are congruent opposite angles are congruent and all are right angles diagonals bisect each other are congruent and are perpendicular diagonals also bisect opposite angles
What is a square?
This function utilizes the adjacent side of a reference angle as well as the hypotenuse.
What is cosine?
The area of this shape is equal to pi x radius squared.
What is a circle?
The volume of this solid is equal to 1/3 x pi x radius squared x height.
What is a cone?
If two angles and the non-included side of one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles and side of another triangle, the triangles are congruent because of this criteria.
What is AAS (Angle-Angle-Side)?
A square contains four of these congruent triangles with their own special properties.
What are right isosceles or 45-45-90 triangles?
This special right triangles has side length ratios of 1, 2, SqrRt(3).
What is a 30/60/90 triangle?
The area of this shape is equal to 1/2 x apothem x perimeter.
What is a regular polygon?
The volume of this solid is equal to 1/3 x area of the base (B) x height (h).
What is a pyramid?