Area of Circle
Surface Area
Susie is planning a hiking trip. The trail map has a scale of 3 cm: 1.5 miles. The distance from the start of the trail to the end of the trail is 18 cm. What is the actual distance of the hiking trip?
What is 9 miles
Find the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 12 ½ in. Use π on the calculator. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
4.5 in
What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 18 cm? State your answers in terms of π and to the nearest tenth
81Pi cm squared 254.5 cm squared
Joyce is wrapping her mother’s birthday gift without any overlap. The box is 14 inches long, 8 inches wide and 3 inches high. How much wrapping paper does Joyce need?
356 cubic inches
A candy company sells mints in the two containers below. Which holds more mints?
What is Figure 1
James counted the number of times his soccer team won a game. He calculated the experimental probability as 3/5. What is the likelihood that his team will win their next game?
What is 1/2
Find the circumference of a circle with a radius of 24.16 cm. Use 3.14 for π and round to the nearest hundredth
151.72 cm
What is the area of a circle with a radius of 15.9 in? Round to the nearest tenth.
794.2 in squared
What is the surface area of the composite figure?
515.48 cubic meters
Darcy built the dollhouse shown. What is the volume of the house?
What is 12600 in cubed
Mr. Sparacino surveyed students at LJHS to see how many students were involved in extracurricular activities. The results are shown in the table. Did Mr. Sparacino choose a random sample? Why or why not? Total # of students Students involved Population 1200 540 Sample 150 105
What is no. The sample seems too high for the amount of the population.
Jill decorates cakes. How much ribbon would she need to put around the base of a circular cake that has a radius of 8.5 inches? Use π on the calculator and round to the nearest tenth.
53.4 in.
Michael is using a round table to set up his science fair project. What is the area of the table top he is using if it has a radius of 3 ½ feet?
38.5 ft. squared
How much material is needed to make the tent below? (Assume the base of the tent is also covered)
94 ft cubed
Find the volume of the figure below.
What is 168 cm cubed
Max has a bag of marbles. He removed one marble, recorded the color and then placed it back in the bag. He repeated this process several times and recorded his results in the table. Color: Red Blue Green Yellow Frequency: 12 10 15 13 a.What is the experimental probability that Max will remove a green marble? b.What is the experimental probability that Max will NOT remove a yellow marble?
a. 15/40 b. 27/40
Tony’s car has wheels that have a radius of 9.5 inches. On a trip to the mall, the wheels made 96 revolutions. How far did Tony drive? Use 3.14 for π and round to the nearest hundredth.
5727.36 in.
You are ordering pizza for you and your friend. You have the option of a 9” pizza or a 14” pizza. What is the difference in area of the two options? Round to the nearest hundredth.
90.32 in squared
Find the surface area of the figure.
166 in cubed
Find the volume of the figure.
What is 56 cm cubed
Jack picked a card from a normal 52-card deck. He recorded his result, put the card back, and picked another card. What is the probability that he would first pick a red card and then pick an ace?
The distance around a circular pool is 28.26 ft. Find the diameter of the pool. Use 3.14 for π.
9 ft.
The fountain at the mall has a circular base with an area of 113.04 ft². What is the circumference of the fountain base? Use 3.14 for pi.
37.64 ft.
Find the surface area of the figure.
What is 833 cm cubed
Compare the two tents below. Which tent has a larger volume?
What is Tent B at 240 cubic feet