The Cenozoic Era is known as the age of __________
The Mesozoic Era is known as the age of __________
The Paleozoic Era is known as the age of __________
The _______ of the Earth was formed during this period.
Someone who studies earlier life forms is called a _________
What species began to appear in this era?
What famous group of reptiles were present during this time?
What type of forests began appearing in this era?
What type of metal deposits form in this era?
What type of fossil consists of tracks, bite marks, fur and scat?
Trace Fossils
What is the name of the volcanoes that formed during this era?
The Cascades
What super continent starts splitting up during this era?
Which continent is mostly covered by the ocean at this time?
North America
What type of organisms appeared at this time?
Simple and complex multi-celled organisms
What two processes cause carbonization to occur in a carbonaceous fossil?
Heat & Pressure
What is the suggested alternative name for the Holocene extinction?
Anthropocene Extinction
What type of mammal showed up in this era?
Placental mammals
What invertebrate showed up in this era?
What major event characterizes the beginning of this era?
The formation of Earth
What can an Index Fossil be used for?
Index fossils can be used to determine the dating of a specific layer of sediment in rocks.
What is the Isthmus of Panama?
When North and South America connected
What mass extinction occurred in the middle of this period?
The Triassic-Jurrasic extinction
What mass extinctions occurred during this era?
The Ordovician and Late Devonian extinctions
What are the names of the eons that make up the Precambrian period?
Hadean, Archean, & Proterozoic
The Principle of Cross Cutting relationships states that an object that cuts into a rock is always _________ than the rock it is cutting into