this species of bird went extinct because it was too friendly with humans
The Dodo
the crater left after a particularly violent volcanic eruption
a Caldera
what animal sound was used to make the censorship noise in spongebob
the Kookaburra
true gambling
spin the true wheel
what color is a tangerine
this 5 foot tall species of bird is one of the only species on the planet that is not only completely friendly to humans but has on several occasions untrained members of this species let people pet it.
it also sounds like a machine gun
The Shoebill Stork
what continent grows the most coffee
an additional 300 points, if you can narrow it down to a specific country
South America and Brazil
this SpongeBob character has a great singing voice and there are a lot of fans made content about them singing songs like
my way, diamonds, gangster's paradise and WAP
heads or tails
chose another team, then you call heads or tails. you will then flip a coin
throwing someone or something out of a window
how big was the largest huntsman spider in histories leg span. answer in centimeters
an additional 100 points if you can get it to the nearest decimal
30 cm on the dot
what mountain on earth is the closest to the stars
Mount Chimborazo located in equator.
it is considered the closest to space because the earth buldges at the equator
this movie that aired on nickelodeon is often confused for another series both Satirically and Literally due to the similar names and themes
for an additional 100 points what does it get confused for?
Star Trek
Star Wars
a member of your team is forced to wear the dunce cap and the cap has to cover that team members eyes
with the dunce cap on every question you get right gains 900 points added to the prize pool
but everytime you get a question wrong you lose 900 points and yes you can gamble with the dunce cap on
you must wear it for at least 1 turn but can keep it on for as long as you want after that, once you take it off you can no longer put it back on
how many children does the Norse God Loki have limiting to the most common iterations of his lineage
an additional 50 points will be allocated for each one you name correctly
Fenrir - the wolf destined to one day kill odin
Jormungandr, the world serpent destined to one day kill thor
Hel, goddess of death, queen of Hel
Sleipneir, the six-legged horse of odin and the only child loki Mothered
what animal has been nicknamed the 'Black Death'
African Cape Buffalo
the name of the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs
an additional 150 points if you can state the diameter
10 kilometers
this show on nickelodeon originally aired at 5 seasons but due to being published on amazon has been forced to separate those 5 into 12 seasons to make more money.
Henry Danger
Thieves Gamble
pick another team
pick another question
if you get it right steal the points from that team
if you get it wrong that team steals the points from you
how many atoms are there in the observable universe
the number is spelled X^Y
Mandatory hint for this question
X is below 15 and above 0
Y is above 60 and below 100
10^78 or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
what are the 5 members of the family of birds known as ratites
1000 points for each one you get correct
an additional 500 points if you can name the common ancestor that they all share it was a 10 ft / 3 meters tall
the common ancestor is called The Elephant Bird and while it is the ancestor of all ratites its closest relative is the Kiwi
this location inspired shreks swamp
"Charlestown Magnolia Plantation" - located in the state of south carolina
this show on Nickelodeon has a self-insert fanfiction written about it that is 34 million words long and has the world record for longest piece of fiction.
it is still being updated
the loud house
it's called loud house revamped and is on Ao3
Double or Nothing
pick another question, if answered correctly double current points, if answered incorrectly lose all points.
if you choose this question with 0 points, if answered correctly double the points you would receive from the question, if answered incorrectly you go into
-negative points