What is the most eaten fruit in the world?
The Invisible Man’s voice was heard for the first time after this happened to him.
the policeman stepped on his foot
what is the largest desert?
This man tried to shoot the Invisible Man but claimed he would only aim at his legs.
the man with the black beard
What Pixar film is about the emotions inside a 11 year old girl?
Inside Out
What is the most popular sport?
What is the most eaten fruit in the fall?
This is the name of the inn where the story takes place.
"The Happy Cricketers"
What is the most populated country in Europe?
Russia or Germany
why did the men decide to feel the groud?
to find his body.
What is the most commonly played sport in the US?
What country is the largest producer of pineapples?
Costa Rica
What soda brand introduced the first diet flavored soda?
What Continent has the most countries?
What character is played by Dwayne Johnson in the 2016 film "Moana"
What sport is considered the fastest racket sport?
What country is the largest producer of lemons?
What is coca-cola's Slogan?
Taste the Feeling
1.This happened to the window of the inn while Marvel was hiding.
2.This object flew past the policeman’s head and landed on the kitchen table.
it was broken in
a large stone
Who is the villain in 101 dalmatians
Cruella de vil
What is the first sport ever created?
This object was holding the door half open when Marvel tried to shut it.
a door-stop
The barman was talking about this topic with the cabman before Marvel entered.
These two characters physically struggled with the Invisible Man in the kitchen.
the policeman and the cabman
What was first film that successfully used color?
Wizard of Oz
What is the most popular sport in the 1900's within the US?