The host country and city for the 2024 Olympics.
Where is Paris, France?
The name of one free market and one command economy.
What is x?
(Crystal will take many answers)
Mark's favorite activitiy.
What is Mafia?
He used to be in Syria.
Who is Bashar Al-Assad?
The propaganda activity we did.
What is making our own propaganda?
Your officers and their positions.
Who are Mark & Crystal (Presidents), Charles (Secretary), and Miles (Treasurer)?
His Majesty's loyal opposition.
Who are the Conservatives?
The civil war in Asia.
Crystal on the political compass
The percentage of all active volcanoes present in the Ring of Fire.
What is 70%?
This picture was photoshoped by Crystal.
What is Trump golfing?
When is January 9th?
The 3 types of voting we mentioned.
Plurality Vote, Top 2 Run Off, Ranked Choice Voting
Mark's height.
Ask Mark idk