The sign that starts with a flat A-hand, goes around your face, and ends with a 5 hand by your face.
What is the sign for Alaska?
The sign where you circle your M hand.
What is the sign for Monday?
The sign where circle two Y hands.
What is the sign for same-old?
The sign where you do a flicking index finger.
What is the sign for 11?
How should you get a Deaf Person's attention?
What is a shoulder tap?
the sign where you make a rectangle with flat O hands.
What is the sign for Montana?
The sign where you do a T and an H hand.
What is the sign for Thursday?
The sign where you hook your fingers together and alternate which way they are facing.
What is the sign for friends?
The sign where you touch your thumb to your index finger twice.
What is the sign for 21?
Is there such a thing as a one word answer in ASL?
What is the sign for no?
Sign with pretty and H.
What is the sign for Hawaii?
The sign where you circle your S hand.
What is the sign for Saturday?
The sign where you shake your B hand against your fist.
What is the sign for busy?
The sign where you do an L hand, then a 7.
What is the sign for 27?
Should you talk silently while signing.
What is the sign for no?
The sign where you make a shaking Y hand by your cheek.
What is the sign for California?
The sign where you circle your W hand.
What is the sign for Wednesday?
The sign where you do a shaking T.
What is the sign for bathroom?
The sign where you make a 5 hand and bring your middle finger in toward your palm twice.
What is the sign for 25?
The sign where you bring your arm up under your hand.
What is the sign for morning?
The sign where you stir the pot.
What is the sign for America?
The sign where you high five with both hands.
What is the sign for Sunday?
The sign where you shake a Y hand back and forth.
What is the sign for same here?
The sign where you bounce your 2 fingers side to side.
What is the sign for 22?
Mrs. Higginbotham’s dogs name.
What is the name Ollie?