Chloe haves a purple ______
what year was Jake born?
we love blue clues but what is his girlfriend name?
what is Hannah birthday?
June 17
In cheerleading what position was Chloe?
what is Jake favorite pizza place?
little Caesars
what is Emma group chat call?
the slay queen
finish the name. ( Ten cent _____ )
How old is blue bear?
what one song jake know on the piano?
( daily double) Emma used to collect these?
toilet paper rolls
where is Hannah dream summer job?
the mall / Garage
what is the series of book Chloe is reading
The raven boys.
what 2 posters does jake have in room?
Minecraft and super Mario bros.
what was the name origin behind shougie.
sugar plum
what is Hannah basketball number?
( daily double) what is Chloe favorite book.( hind the first half is Aristotle and Dante discover_______________)
Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe.
what is the one piece?
nobody knows.
where was Emma first fight?
Hannah room has a picture of a model and on the top of the photo the brand name. what is the brand name?
vogue brazil.