This founder of the Order of the Arrow was also a camp director at Treasure Island Scout Reservation.
Who is E. Urner Goodman?
The OA’s three membership levels are Ordeal, Brotherhood, and this highest honor.
What is Vigil Honor?
This is the first rank a Scout earns upon joining Scouts BSA.
What is Scout rank?
Colonneh Lodge is part of this OA Section.
What is Section G2?
This Chapter Officer made this amazing Jeopardy, and their last name is also a season.
Who is Gavin Winter?
The OA was founded in this year.
What is 1915?
The Native American tribe that inspired much of the OA’s symbolism.
What is the Lenni Lenape?
The outdoor code teaches Scouts to be clean, careful, considerate, and this.
What is conservation-minded?
The official totem of Colonneh Lodge is this bird.
What is the raven?
This George Strake Arrowman is the section G2 secretary.
Who is Dustin McAdory?
The first OA lodge, Unami Lodge, was established in this U.S. state.
What is Pennsylvania?
This Medicine Man gives the legend of the OA during the Ordeal Ceremony.
Who is Meteu?
This knot is known as the “joining knot” and is often one of the first knots a Scout learns.
What is the square knot?
Colonneh Lodge hosts this annual event to help maintain and expand the trails at Camp Strake.
What is OA Trail Crew?
This Chapter Officer’s favorite animals are cows and ducks.
Who is Mack Gentes?
This OA principle is represented by the phrase “Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui.”
What is the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service?
This is the first word said by Nutiket in the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony.
What is Awake?
The BSA’s national high-adventure bases include Philmont, Northern Tier, Florida Sea Base, and this newest base.
What is the Summit Bechtel Reserve?
Colonneh Lodge services these three council camps.
What are Camp Brosig, Camp Strake, and Bovay Scout Ranch?
This Chapter Officer has been to the Galapagos Islands.
Who is Kate Retterer?
The Order of the Arrow became the official National Honor Society of the BSA in this year.
What is 1948?
This sacred fire is at the center of all OA ceremonies.
What is the fire of cheerful service?
The Scout Law consists of this many points.
What is 12?
Colonneh Lodge was founded in this year.
What is 1939?
These Chapter Officers have received Vigil membership.
Who is Mack Gentes, Gavin Winter, and CJ McAdory?