Stasis Theory
What is the Conjecture?
Wallace speaking out against integration and against the government while speaking in favor of states rights
What is Wallace's stance on the United States?
Wallace is a strong southerner that has a huge sense of southern pride
How strong is his southern pride?
Wallace wants the South to rise up to its former glory through all the hardship it has suffered. He URGES the south to come together
What example does Wallace use to prove integration is wrong?
Integration in Washington DC (nations capital) caused school riots..causing unsafe and dangerous streets
What is an Important quote from this speech?
"In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever."
What is the cause of this speech and what hes saying in it?
The Civil Rights movement and the integration of schools in the United States
What is his popularity?
During the election, Wallace won in such a large land side that the only person who voted against him in his home town was a little old lady who accidentally pressed the wrong ballot.
Wallace calls on the people of Alabama to "rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South"
How does Wallace show his Southern Pride?
What is the meaing behind his Hitler comparison?
"for the system(Hitler) that built Germany had rotted the souls of the builders . . . and in turn . . . rotted the foundation of what God meant that men should be." Hitler destroyed Germany and therefore changed what God meant that nation to be
What is Wallace's purpose for this speech?
To provide inspiration to the people of Alabama so that they do not give into segregation
What is its values?
Integration and national power are bad things while states rights, and individual groups working from their "separate stations" is a good thing.
What is his devotion
Wallace promises to do his "duty" and that he will "Stand up for Alabama"
What is the rallying cry of the southern input on segregation?
"...and I say...segregation today...segregation tomorrow... segregation forever"
What is the logic behind his idea of "Unit of one"
If society becomes the unit of one advocated by communist philosophers then their freedom and development of their lives are effected...A unit of one under a single powerful government
What is the Plan for the future?
Wallace says that they will carry their fight to the next election and that this momentum will carry the Dixiecrats into the White House
What should be done? (action)
Go back to the founding fathers ideas of government with the states fighting the national governments spreading control.
What is his viewpoint on faith
"Alabama has been blessed by God with natural resources" and his reference to the "In God we Trust" sign behind him during the speech
What is the meaning of "duty"
George Wallace uses General Robert E. Lee's definition of the "sublimest word on the English language" to show his devotion to the people of Alabama that he strongly puts emphasis on
What is Wallace's reasoning behind Southerners saving freedom and liberty?
"Southerners played a most magnificent part in erecting this great divinely inspired system of freedom . . and as God is our witnesses, Southerners will save it."
What is the national relevance?
This is the inaugural speech for the governor of Alabama, a deep southern state in the US. It is a good measure of how much of the South will feel about segregation at this point in time
Who should do something about it? (Jurisdiction)
The individual states and their leaders are the ones with the power to determine their individual states actions on a particular issue.
What is his idea on the subject of unity in the US
The United States should be a "United of many" as apposed to a "United of one"
What is his stance on Patriotism?
Wallace referencing the ideas that the United States was founded on while listing the notable founders such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
What is the logic behind following the forefathers principles?
The founding fathers were southerners and based on how they created this country on liberty and the decision of the people. He urges the US and its citizens to lower the governmental power and raise the states rights
Why is this speech important?
This speech created the rallying cry of the segregation movement and was a barometer for Southern anger at the time