What is Brown vs. Board of Education?
Huge symbol of civil rights. Helped desegregate and is commonly tied to Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus boycott.
Who is Martin Luther King, Jr.?
The 1956 GA state flag
Considered racist, being said to be a memorial to the confederate dead. Citizens were not allowed to vote on the design.
Formed by a Georgia banker to see how certain parts of Georgia responded to the integration of schools. Resulted in the very slow process of integrating Georgia schools.
What is the Sibley Commission?
The movement in which was to help desegregate places like railroad and bus stops. Considered a failure.
What is the Albany movement?
Once a leader of the SNCC, who protested against segregation. Also known for helping organize the 1963 March on Washington.
Who is John Lewis?
Georgia's response to Brown vs. Board of Education
Unhappy. In many cases many people refused to abide by the ruling, leading to people guarding doors and not letting people into buildings.
Huge civil rights organization of the 1960's, and aimed to desegregate places and protested peacefully.
What is the SNCC?
Act that outlawed discrimination and segregation everywhere, leading to withholding federal funds for non-integrated schools, and established the EEOC.
What is the civil rights act?
Considered Georgia's last segregationist Governor. Although he was a segregationist, he appointed the most African Americans to government positions than all Georgia Governors before him combined.
Who is Lester Maddox?
The effect of the Sibley Commission
It resulted in much slower integration of schools because it polled people, with them saying that 2/3 of Georgians would rather see schools close than integrate.
A civil rights organization that aimed to be the passage for the civil rights act and voting act by using non-violent protests. Many people originally of christian faith(later other faiths), came together to create change against discrimination.
What is the SCLC?
Protest which aimed to stop racial discrimination and demand civil rights legislation, including an end to segregation, fair wages, and voting rights.
What is The March on Washington?
The legislation that prohibits racial discrimination in voting. Was the effect of the protests from the SNCC and the SCLC.
What is the Voting Act?