6th-8th Grade ELA
6th-8th Grade Math
8th Grade Social Studies
8th Grade Science
Test Taking Strategies

Fill in the blank:  To persuade, inform, and explain is considered as the ____________ for writing.

Answer: What is Author's Purpose? 


When using the Fundamental Counting Principle what would be the total number of outcomes if rolling two number cubes?

What is 6*6 = 36? 


1.What was the purpose of both the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of


A They both dealt with slavery in the new territories

B They both dealt with nullification

C They both made the south get an advantage in the Senate

D They led to the election of Abraham Lincoln

What is Answer Choice A?  They both dealt with slavery in the new territories. 


What's the difference between pure substances and mixtures? 

A. pure substances (elements and compounds) are chemically combined, but mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous) are physically combined.

B. pure substances (elements and homogeneous) are chemically combined, but mixtures (compounds and heterogeneous) are physically combined.  

C. pure substances (elements and compounds) are physically combined, but mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous) are chemically combined.

D. pure substances (heterogeneous and compounds) are chemically combined, but mixtures (homogeneous and elements) are physically combined.

What is Answer Choice A? 

* Pure substances (elements and compounds) are chemically combined, but mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous) are physically combined.


What should you do the night before the test? 

What is get a good night sleep? 


Fill in the blanks: 3rd POV (point of view) can include keywords such as : him, ________, and  __________. 

What is He & She? 


Solve: 7x - 3(4 + x) = 28

A. x=4 

B. x=5 

C. x=7

D. x=10

What is Answer Choice D (x = 10)


2. What was granted under the thirteenth amendment?

A. African Americans were given the right to sue for wrong doings.

B Black people could no longer work for free.

C. Slavery was ended in the United States.

D. African Americans or Blacks were granted access to be treated as citizens.

What is Answer Choice C? Slavery was ended in the United States.


How are electromagnetic waves different from mechanical waves? 

A. Electromagnetic waves come in many types, but mechanical waves are all the same. 

B. Mechanical waves need a medium through which to travel, but electromagnetic waves do not. 

C. Mechanical waves have crests and troughs, but electromagnetic waves do not.

D. Electromagnetic waves carry energy, while mechanical waves carry matter. 

What is Answer Choice C? 

*Mechanical waves have crests and troughs, but electromagnetic waves do not. 


What is something you should do during the test? 

What is focus, pace yourself don't rush, look at all answer choices before answering? 


 Fill in the blank:  A ______________ is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns?

What is a pronoun? 


How do we locate points on the coordinate plane? (Hint: 3 Steps)

What is 

1. Start at the origin

2. Look at the x-axis and move left to right or right to left

3. Look at the y-axis and move up or down


This part of the Declaration of Independence is in the beginning and explains why the document is being written:

A. Preamble 

B. Declaration 

C. Grievance 

D. Independence

What is Answer Choice A? Preamble 


How does charge distribution differ when charging a conductor vs. an insulator? Explain. 

What is charges evenly distribute in conductors (allow charges to easily flow) and in an insulators (does not allow charges to flow as easy) charges are located only in the location that the object is touched. 


What is something you should not do during testing? 

What is talk aloud, distract others, cheat, stress, etc.? 


Fill in the blank: _______________________ text is nonfiction writing, written to inform the audience or reader about a specific topic.

What is informational? 


When using the fundamental counting principle when tossing 3 coins what would be the total number of outcomes?

What is 2*2*2 = 8


Which lists GA's capitals in the correct chronological order?

A Savannah, Atlanta, Louisville, Milledgeville, Augusta

B Savannah, Augusta, Milledgeville, Louisville,

 C Savannah, Augusta, Louisville, Macon, Atlanta

D Savannah, Augusta, Louisville, Milledgeville, Atlanta

What is Answer Choice D? Savannah, Augusta, Louisville, Milledgeville, Atlanta


How can you make an electromagnet stronger? (Hint: three ways)

What is 

- increase the turns (coils) of the wire around the core. 

- increase the size of the iron core 

- increase the number of batteries or voltage of the battery 


What should you do before ending the test if you have time? 

What is review your answers? 

*Don't change an answer unless you have a good reason to do so. 


Fill in the blank: An Argumentative Essay is based on the author's __________________ or position being taken in the argument.


What is claim? 


Look at the system of equations. 

y = x + 4 

2y = 2x +8 

Which statement about this system of equation is true and why? 

A. It has no solution because the lines are parallel when graphed. 

B. It has no solution because the equations are the same line when graphed. 

C. It has infinitely many solutions because the lines are parallel when graphed. 

D. It has infinitely many solutions because the equations are the same line when graphed.

What is Answer Choice D

*It has infinitely many solutions because the equations are the same line when graphed.


Which is the BEST example of checks and balances?

 A. The governor can veto bills. 

B. The governor can propose policies. 

C. The governor can give an annual speech about the state’s condition. 

D. The governor can call on the state’s military forces to help in natural disasters

What is Answer Choice A? 

*The governor can veto bills.


A dry-cell battery contains two sets of chemicals. When those chemicals react, they free up electrons to flow. A dry-cell battery is directly involved in which kind of energy transformation? 

A. nuclear energy to electrical 

B. mechanical energy to thermal energy 

C. thermal energy to mechanical energy 

D. chemical energy to electrical energy 

What is Answer Choice A? 

*Chemical energy to electrical energy.


What should do the morning before testing? 

What is get to class on time, eat a good breakfast, etc.? 
