Sentence Scrambler
Fill the gap

Not man-made.




Which future sentence is correct?

(a) It'll be rain all weekend.

(b) I'm on a plane tomorrow.

(c) I'll be drinking coffee with friends after school.

(d) I'll be going to learn Chinese next semester.

(c) I'll be drinking coffee with friends after school.


Speak for 20 seconds on the following topic. 

You will be given 5 seconds to read the topic before your time starts.

1 - No pauses of more than 3 seconds.

2 - No repeating yourself.

3 - No 'umms' or 'ahhs' or other filler sounds.

What's the best thing about being Cambodian?


Put these words into the correct order to make a sentence. All punctuation has been removed.

out show has the sold

The show has sold out.


What is the missing word?

I have a(n)___ with Durian. I just can't stop eating it.

(a) obsessive

(b) obsession

(c) obsessed

(d) observe

(b) obsession


A person who lives somewhere.




Which future perfect sentence is NOT correct?

(a) By this time next year, I will have completed my degree.

(b) She will have finished the report by the time the meeting starts.

(c) By 2025, he will have published his third novel.

(d) The team will win the championship by next weekend.

(d) The team will win the championship by next weekend.

This is future simple.


Speak for 40 seconds on the following topic. 

You will be given 5 seconds to read the topic before your time starts.

1 - No pauses of more than 3 seconds.

2 - No repeating yourself.

3 - No 'umms' or 'ahhs' or other filler sounds.

Describe the last thing you bought.


Put these words into the correct order to make a sentence. All punctuation has been removed.

grass to weekend promised at cut the David the

David promised to cut the grass at the weekend.


What is the missing word?

This tablet is very ___

(a) user-friendly

(b) friendly-user

(c) user-friend

(d) used to friendly

(a) user-friendly


To use up, so that there is nothing left.

Also means to purchase something.




Change this real sentence into a hypothetical one using 'suppose'.

I'm glad that I passed my exam.

Suppose (that) I hadn't passed my exam, I'd be sad.


Speak for 1 minute on the following topic. 

You will be given 5 seconds to read the topic before your time starts.

1 - No pauses of more than 3 seconds.

2 - No repeating yourself.

3 - No 'umms' or 'ahhs' or other filler sounds.

What are some of the best ways to keep fit and healthy?


Put these words into the correct order to make a sentence. All punctuation has been removed.

job of moment I'm my because stressed the very out at feeling

I'm feeling very stressed out at the moment because of my job.


What is the missing word?

Many people work in ___ to make cars and other products.

(a) manufacture

(b) manufacturing

(c) manufactured

(d) manufactually

(b) manufacturing


A tube that carries liquid or gas.



Which conditional is this?

If we continue to burn fossil fuels, temperatures could rise.

First conditional

Although we often use 'will' and 'won't' with first conditionals, we can also use other modal verbs to describe possibility. 


Speak for 1.5 minutes on the following topic. 

You will be given 5 seconds to read the topic before your time starts.

1 - No pauses of more than 3 seconds.

2 - No repeating yourself.

3 - No 'umms' or 'ahhs' or other filler sounds.

What part of learning English is most difficult and why?


Put these words into the correct order to make a sentence. All punctuation has been removed.

not harder seem and that surprised to be questions I'm these harder getting

I'm not surprised that these questions seem to be getting harder and harder.


What is the missing word(s)?

We need ___ the printer to the computer for it to work.

(a) to connect

(b) connecting

(c) connections for

(d) a connection

(a) to connect


To put something somewhere and make it part of, or connect it to, a system of some kind.



Which three of these nouns are always uncountable?

Sugar, Electricity, Glass, Advice, Chocolate, Light, Work, Luggage, Time.

Electricity, Advice, Luggage

Some foods affect the sugars in your body.

There are three glasses on the table.

Would you like a chocolate?

One of the lights in broken.

Picasso created many works of art.

I have been to the shop three times today.


Speak for 2 minutes on the following topic. 

You will be given 5 seconds to read the topic before your time starts.

1 - No pauses of more than 3 seconds.

2 - No repeating yourself.

3 - No 'umms' or 'ahhs' or other filler sounds.

Children should be limited to the amount of time they spend online.

Explain if you agree or disagree with this and give reasons. 


Put these words into the correct order to make a sentence. All punctuation has been removed. 

points most difficult last it with very shouldn't question the is easy be to the question because we expect so it is this

This last question is very difficult because it is the question with the most points so we shouldn't expect it to be easy.


What word doesn't fit?

It's ___ that the world deals with climate change before it's too late.

(a) essential

(b) important

(c) critical

(d) key

(e) necessarily

(f) vital

(e) necessarily

We could use the adjective 'necessary' but not the adverb 'necessarily'.
