How do you say "30" in German?
How do you say "2 o’clock" in German?
(zwei Uhr)
What word means "at" in German?
What is the definite article for "Tisch" (table)?
What is the German word for "mother"?
die Mutter
What is "75" in German?
Translate into German: "It is half past seven."
(Es ist halb acht.)
Translate into German: "We play soccer at 3:00.
(Wir spielen Fußball um drei Uhr.)
What is the definite article for "Lampe" (lamp)?
What is the German word for "grandfather"?
(der Großvater)
How do you say "42" in German?
How do you say "42" in German?
What is "quarter to four" in German?
(Viertel vor vier)
"He eats lunch at 12:30"?
Er isst zu Mittag um zwölf Uhr dreißig.
What is the definite article for "Bett" (bed)?
Translate into German: "my sister."
(meine Schwester)
Translate into German: "eighty-four."
How do you say "11:45" in German?
(Es ist Viertel vor zwölf.)
How do you say: "She goes to work at 9:15"?
Sie geht zur Arbeit um um Viertel nach neun Uhr.
What is the definite article for "Stuhl" (chair)?
How do you say "uncle" in German?
der Onkel
Translate into German: "five hundred fifteen."
Translate into German: "It is 8:15."
(Es ist Viertel nach acht.)
Translate into German: "They cook dinner at 7:45 PM."
(Sie kochen Abendessen um Viertel vor acht.)
What does "das Fenster" mean?
the window.
List the German words for "parents," "cousin" (male), and "cousin" (female).
(die Eltern, der Cousin, die Cousine)