Jimmy Carter
This was the unique issue of a struggling economy combined with decreasing valuation of money which plagued the nation during the early 1970s.
Jimmy Carter's simple and humble identity was strengthened by his background as this kind of farmer.
Peanut Farmer
Ford continued Nixon's policy of easing tensions with the Soviet Union, known as _________.
It was Russia's invasion of this country in 1979 that led to Carter withdrawing the SALT II treaty from consideration by Congress.
After the midterms, Ford was challenged because while Congress had a majority of this party.
This is the removal of rules and restrictions on industries to promote economic activity.
Before becoming president, Jimmy Carter was governor of what state?
Ford oversaw the retreat of US forces from this country, after over a decade of fighting.
Operation Eagle Claw attempted to save hostages being held in this country, which had overthrown its US supported monarchy.
What industries did Jimmy Carter want to remove restrictions on to stimulate economic activity (we talked about 3!)
It was the rise of this voting block which strongly influenced Jimmy Carter's election.
Gerald Ford became the 38th president after the Election of _________
Ford was not elected!
This was a major foreign policy achievement of Carter, which established peace between two long-term rivals.
Camp David Accords
Carter returned a key canal to this country, a move which was criticized for decreasing US influence, but also helped improve relations with Latin America.
This was the first president to call the nation's economic issues a recession.
Gerald Ford
This was the policy in which students at segregated Boston schools were transported to other schools to promote desegregation.
Boston Bussing
Carter campaigned on restoring __________, which had been seriously eroded after the Watergate scandal.
Government trust
This was the treaty that was signed but never ratified, which would have limited nuclear arms proliferation between the US and USSR.
Ford had to deal with the seizure of a US merchant ship by the Khmer Rouge, the name of the Communist party of this country.
Jimmy Carter required these institutions to invest in low income communities.
Carter moved away from this foreign policy approach, which meant treating countries based on their power and influence, not political ideology.
Carter branded himself as a(n) ______________, meaning he was not corrupted by federal politics.
Washington Outsider
Carter's foreign policy was mainly influenced by what the promotion of ___________
Human Rights
One of Carter's main foreign policy achievements was a peace deal between these two countries, which many thought would never happen.
Egypt & Israel