Which staff member that reciently retired was the "go to" person if you were unsure of something?
Who is Hewett
Who is the retired faculty member who received the 2022 Nascher/Manning Award during this years American Geriatrics Society Annual Conference?
Who is Dr. Jerry Johnson
Which Faculty loves jigsaw puzzles?
Who is Alyson Michener
What was Restore Health formally known as?
What is PCRC.
Who is Theresa Banmeke
Who is Melanie Brendia
Who is the new DDA for the Division?
Joe Milano
Whose favorite vacation location is the Grand Canyon?
Who is Joan Weinryb
Which faculty member has 5 spring chicks named Eyre, Austen, Calamity, Mulder & Scully?
Who is Shana Stites
Whose nickname comes from a popular brand of toothpaste (Colgate)?
Who is Kim Wooding's (Colgate smile)
What is the name of the company in the process of purchasing Ralston and its grounds?
What is Landmark Properties
Who is the retired faculty member that attends geriatric grand rounds?
Who is Mary Anne Forceia
Which faculty member was the Fellowship Director before Joshua Uy?
Who is Edna Schwab
Which staff member had an interest in fashion before deciding to start his/her own business? Extra hint: Also spotlighted on Fox 29 News.
who is Anita Pompey
Which staff member kick boxes in her spare time?
Who is Beth G.
Which staff member lived in Singapore?
Who is Charlese Hawkins
Which Staff member recently started nursing school?
Who is Laketa Page?
Which faculty member at the VA always has a WAWA cup of coffee in her hand?
Who is Mary Hofmann
Who once taught Bollywood dancing to staff at Ralston?
Who is Vimmi Panchal
Whose boat was invited to the Head of the Charles Regatta in Cambridge, MA
Who is Jean Yudin
Which Faculty Member is a huge fan of "Sponge Bob Square Pants"?
Who is Jason Karlawish
Which staff members family is from Barbados and is a black belt in taekwondo?
Who is Lisa Walke
Which Faculty Members Middle Name is Volusher?
Who is Rachel Miller
Which staff member played piano classically from age 6 to 21?
Who is Maria Crudele
Which IOA member recently welcomed a new addition to their family (baby)?
Who is Nicolette Calcavecchia
Who is the name of our daytime security at Ralston House?
Who is Joy