Basic Greeting
What is Hallo?
What is Sonne?
Was ist Dienstag?
This is the word for School.
What is Schule?
Wer ist das?
What is Who is that?
The correct statement when greeting someone in the morning.
What is Guten Morgen?
What is Schnee?
What is your Sonntag?
This is a word for a high-class school.
What is a Klasse?
This is...
What is Das ist.....
The Correct statement for greeting someone in the evening.
What is Guten Abend?
What is Regen?
What is Montag?
This is the word for best friend.
What is bester Freund?
I like Pasta.
What is Ich mag Pasta
A basicg greeeting in the middle of the night.
What is Gute Nacht?
It is hot
What is Es ist Heiss
What is Mittwoch?
This is the word for Book.
What is Buch?
he does not like bananas.
What is Er mag nicht Bananen.
The Most basic greeting to tell someone in the afternoon.
What is Guten Tag?
It is cold
What is Ist es kalt?
What is Die Wochenende?
What is Computer?
He likes Spring.
What is Er mag Fruehling?