What is the acronym to help us conjugate?
Is the noun "Erfahrung" a der, die or das word?
Erfahrung = Experience
ung is always "die"
What is the acronym we use to help us with sentence structure
What is the infinitive of "ist"
Why is "einen" used in this sentence:
Der Mann hat einen Sohn
Sohn = der Sohn
When a "der" word is an object it takes "en" endings
Which word(s) is/are the subject: Die gute Fee ist schön
die gute Fee = the good fairy
What is irregular about "hast" according to EST TEN TEN
it should be "habst" but there's no "b"
Should there be an "e" added?
Ihr__ Haustiere sind sehr cool!
Yes -- Tiere is a plural word, so it is die Tiere
Which word(s) is/are the object: Hast du mein Haustier gesehen?
mein Haustier
What is the difference between "essen" and "fressen
They both mean "eat" but "fressen" can also translate as feed because it is also used to talk about animals
Should there be an "en" added?
Ein____ König wohnt in einem Schloss
No -- König is a "der" word, but here it is the subject and not the object
en is only added when the word is an object
What is incorrect in the structure?
Ich habe im Wald den Prinz gesehen
im Wald is the place. It should be at the end
Ich habe den Prinz im Wald gesehen
Conjugate mögen
ich mag
du magst
er... mag
wir mögen
ihr mögt
Sie/sie mögen
Translate into German using the correct Nouns + Endings
The Witch has a black cat
Die Hexe hat eine schwarze Katze
What is unique about the structure of this sentence:
Die Prinzess mag im Garten tanzen
there are 2 verbs
mögen = to like
tanzen = to dance