What is football in German
What is Fußball
Were does France border Germany?
What is southwest
Which country is the top car producer in Europe
What is Germany
What is yes
What is the most popular German church?
What is Cologne Cathedral
How many world cups has Germany won?
What is 4
What country is north of Germany?
What is Denmark
What car did Germany create
What is BMW
What were German castles used for?
What is the second most popular German church?
What is Sebaldus Church
What is 1974
Is Switzerland east of Germany?
What is no
What year was Germany's famous car made?
What is 1916
What German castle inspired the Walt Disney castle?
What is Neuschwanstein
What is the third most popular German church?
What is Lawrence Church
Are there more or less fan clubs for football in Germany?
What is more
Is Poland east of Germany?
What is yes
What is 351,000
What are symbols do German castles represent?
What is the fourth most popular German church?
What is Freiburg Church
When did Germany lose their only penalty shot
What is 1976
Which 2 countries are west of Germany?
What is Luxembourg and Switzerland
What are Germanys cars known for?
What is durability and longevity
How many castles are in Germany?
What is between 20,000 - 25,000
What is the fifth most popular German church
What is Andrews Church