Apple in German
What is der Apfel?
Popular Costumes
What are jesters?
Most Crowded City
What is Berlin?
Name of Santa Clause
What is der Weinachtsmann?
Capital of Germany
What is Berlin?
Pineapple in German
What is die Ananas?
Length of Carnival
What is 5 months?
Average Family Size
What is 2 people?
Christmas Pyramid
What is Weihnachtspyramide?
Colors on German flag (in German!)
What is schwarz, rot, und gold?
Ice Cream in German
What is das Eis?
Purpose of Carnival
What is celebration before Lent?
Amount of Taxes Payed
What 14% for income?
Popular Christmas Food
What is stollen?
National animal of Germany
What is an eagle?
Strawberry Sundae in German
What is das Spaghetteis?
Other Name of Carnival
What is Fasching?
Normal Housing in Germany
What are apartments?
Start of Saint Nikolaus Feast
What is the 4th century?
Popular American food derived from German food
What is a Bratwurst?
Law for the Delegation of Monitoring Beef Labeling
What is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz?
Most Popular City of Carnival
What is Cologne?
Average Wage of a German
What is $54,00 annually?
Importance of December 6th
What is the date of Saint Nikolaus’s death?
Chancellor of Germany
Who is Olaf Scholz? (Fun Fact: Voting is taking place soon!)