What is the German word for Cheese?
What is Five?
Die Hand
What is Hand?
Das T-Shirt
What is the German word for T-Shirt?
Das Krokodil
What is the German word for Crocodile?
What is the German word for Tomato?
Die Tomate
What is Neun?
What is the German word for head?
What is the German word for Pants?
Die Hose
What is the German word for Elephant?
Der Elefant
Der Pilz
What is the German word for Mushroom?
What is 26?
Die Haare
What is the German word for Hair?
Die Schuhe
What is the German word for Shoes?
Das Schaf
What is the German word for sheep?
What is the German word for Strawberries?
What is Fünfundachtzig?
What is the German word for Stomach?
Der Bauch
What is the German word for Tie?
Die Krawatte
What is the German word for Turtle?
Die Schildkröte
What is the German word for Shrimp?
What is 1,243?
Das Bein
What is the German word for Leg?
Der Rock
Das Meerschweinchen
What is the German word for Guinea Pig?