Something that can make you sick. Hint: You need a microscope to see it.
Germs get into our body through our _________,_________, and ______.
Our eyes, nose, and mouth.
Something you should do several times a day to keep germs away.
Wash your hands
If you have a fever, a runny nose, feel dizzy and tired for a day, what could this mean?
a. I am healthy.
b. I need to go play.
c. I am sick.
c. I am sick.
When we use the _________ we should wash our hands.
Something used to see germs
a microscope
Germs are contagious. This means that germs can _______ very quickly from person to person making them sick.
You should keep your hands away from (3 body parts).
Your eyes, nose, and mouth.
What might happen if you were sick and you went to school?
a. Other kids could get sick too.
b. I will get better.
c. The teachers will be happy with me.
a. Other kids could get sick too.
Before we ____________ we should wash our hands.
Before we eat
Germs are______________ in the classroom.
While playing outside, germs could get into your body through_________. Hint: this could happen if you fell off of your bike.
cuts and scrapes
After using a tissue, you should __________ or __________.
Wash your hands with soap and water OR use hand sanitizer
What is one way germs spread from person to person? a. Sneezing close to the face
b. Eating washed food
c. Using the same soap
a. Sneezing close to the face
When we come in from _____________ we should wash our hands.
The kind of germ that causes a sore throat; hint: starts with the letter "b"
What kind of cell helps fight off infection and other diseases?
white blood cell
The part of your body that should cover coughs and sneezes if you can't get to a tissue in time...
A shot that keeps you from getting sick is called a _______.
a. Medicine
b. Law
c. Vaccine
c. Vaccine
At what temperature does your body start to shut down?
The kind of germ that causes an upset stomach, cold or flu. (Hint: starts with a "v")
What is the most common way that respiratory viruses are spread?
aerosol droplets in the air
How many times should you wash your hands a day?
7-10 times
. What kind of blood cell makes antibodies and fights germs?
a. Red blood cells
b. White blood cells
c. Blue blood cells
b. White blood cells
What is the average internal temperate of someone body?