Introduction to Human Aging
Research Methods and Issues
Physical Aspects of Aging
Theories of Senescence
The study of aging and older adults is known as?
What is Gerontology
A statistic that tells whether variables are related, and if they are, the direction of that relationship.
What is a correlation
Chemicals that nerve cells use to communicate with one another
What are neurotransmitters
a researcher who believes senescence is due to a predetermined plan would be following what kind of a theory, programmed or unprogrammed?
What is Programmed
what term refers to increasing vulnerability, both mental and physical, as we age?
What is senescence
The specialty within such health care fields as medicine, social work, nursing, and dentistry?
What is Geriatrics.
Describe the difference between a longitudinal study and a cross sectional study
a cross sectional study is when the different age groups tested are composed of different people. Longitudinal studies test the same people, at different ages, over time.
The series of repeating units that appear at the end of a DNA chromsome are called
What are telomeres
A law of thermodynamics that says energy dissipates over time
What is entropy
This term refers to physical ailments that are characterized by slow onset and a long duration
What is chronic conditions.
Discrimination against older adults is known as?
What is Ageism
name at least 3 of the four core issues of aging
What is nature- nurture, mechanistic-organismic, continuity-discontinuity, stability and change.
A term that theorizes that genes that increase the probability of good reproductive years decrease the probability of long life
What is antagonistic pleiotropy
The number of times a cell can divide and reproduce before they die
What is the hayflick number
list the three common types of income for retired persons
What is pensions, social security, savings and assets.
Define both LEASA and LEAB
LEASA is how long you can expect to live after reaching a certain age, while LEAB is how long you can expect to live at birth.
This kind of research refers to the extended collection of information on some individual or, less often, some group of individuals
What is a Case study
A protein that plays a major role in Alzheimer's disease
what is amyloid or beta amyloid
a substance composed of a number of metabolic waste products and accumulates in various cells throughout the body. It produces spots on the skin referred to as liver spots.
What is Lipofuscin
describe the difference between aerobic exercise and resistance exercise
aerobic exercise consists of activities that increase heart rate like jogging, while resistance exercise refers to muscle training involving pushing or pulling against a force (weight lifting).
Name the three factors that are contributing to an aging population here in the United States.
What is the baby boom generation, changes in the birth rate, and changes in lifespan and life expectancy
Describe the difference between validity and relability
reliability is getting essentially the same results for the same people after retesting them. Validity is making sure what is being measured is actually what the researchers claim to measure.
List two programmed theories and two unprogrammed theories
Programmed: Biological Clock, Evolution, Hormones. Unprorammed Theories: Wear and Tear, Free Radicals, Garbage Accumulation, DNA Damage and Repair
a hormone produced in the adrenal glands. Production of this declines about 2 percent every year following puberty. It may inhibit certiain cancers.
What is DHEA
This theory claims that senescence is the result of damage produced by atoms or molecules with an odd number of electrons. They are very reactive and unstable
What is Free radical theory.