Women with diabetes are at higher risk of needing this type of delivery if their baby grows too large
Babies of mothers with diabetes may have yellowing of the skin or eyes after birth, a condition called this
This test measures average blood sugar levels over three months
A1C test
Cause of lower insulin demands in 1st trimester
Nausea & Vomitting
Women with GD should be screened for type 2 diabetes within this timeframe after delivery
6 weeks to 6 months
Ethnic backgrounds considered a risk factor for developing GDM
Indigenous, South Asian, African, or Hispanic
A birth related complication that can occur due to gestational diabetes
Shoulder dystocia
This test uses a sugary drink to check if a pregnant woman has gestational diabetes
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
A family history of this type of diabetes increases the risk of developing gestational diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Women with GDM have up to this percentage increased lifetime risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Which infection is more common in pregnant women with diabetes due to elevated blood glucose levels
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes are more likely to weigh over this many pounds at birth
9 pounds
All pregnant women should be tested for gestational diabetes between these weeks.
24 to 28 weeks
This diabetes medication does not cross the placenta
Postpartum follow-up should include these two lifestyle factors to reduce the risk of future diabetes
Healthy diet and regular exercise
This pregnancy complication, characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine, is more common in women with diabetes
Poor glycemic control during pregnancy increases the risk of this group of structural abnormalities in the baby
Congenital anomalies
GDM is typically diagnosed during this stage of pregnancy
Second or third trimester
This hormone increases during pregnancy and contributes to insulin resistance.(Hint: Its 3 words. ______ _______ Lactogen)
Human placental lactogen
True or False: Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for a minimum of 4 months to reduce postpartum diabetes risk
Women with poorly controlled gestational diabetes throughout pregnancy are at higher risk for this complication, characterized by delivery of a baby weighing over 4,000 grams.
Infants of mothers with diabetes are at a higher risk of
Breathing problems and Stillborn
A sign that might indicate gestational diabetes during a routine prenatal visit
Elevated blood sugar levels in a urine test
Gestational diabetes is more common in women over this age
35 years
Women who had gestational diabetes may be encouraged to take this vitamin supplement after pregnancy to improve overall health
Folic acid