Language Impaired Populations
What stage of gesture development is shown in the video?
What is .. Deictic
Does gesture use emerge in the first half of the first year or the second half of the first year?
What is.... Second-half of the first year and occurs in a predictable developmental sequence (Page 179)
A toddler falls in the lowest 10th percentile for expressive vocabulary on formal measures and has failed to advance to two-word combinations by 18 months of age. The toddler demonstrates gesture performance and imitates single play schemes. Is this child likely a late talker or late bloomer?
What is.. Late bloomer – Vocabulary performance is insufficient to solely differentiate late talkers from late bloomers. Comprehension and gestural performance is an indicator of potential recovery. (page 180)
Is the order of pre-linguistic (gesture) and linguistic development preserved or altered when language development is delayed?
What is ... Preserved - previous findings revealed that the emergence of gestures followed a predictable developmental sequence and precedence of spoken words even for children of high risk and of greatest language delay. (page 180)
What stage of gesture development is shown in the video? first 15 seconds
What is .. beating
As children develop from 3 to 5 years of age, they appear to rely more on.... A) Body-part-as-object gestures B) Imaginary object forms
What is...B) Imaginary object (Page 178)
What function do gestures serve for children with specific language impairments?
What is ... compensation Note: Children with SLI more often express information in gestures than judgement-matched peers because they are compensating for vocabulary that is not present in their spoken speech.
What may you do to elicit semantic information when working with a child who bangs her cup on the table repeatedly?
What is .. The clinician first may engage the child in imitation by also banging the cup. Once the child is engaged in turn-taking of this behavior, the clinician can expand the scheme by modeling drinking of the cup after banging it on the table. (page 183)
What stage of gesture development is shown in the video?
What is .. Representational gesture
What commercially available tests can SLP's administer to assess children's gestural use?
What is... the Rosetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale, the communication and Symbolic Behavior Scale and the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories
Children with autism present with abnormal gesture development compared to the norm. Those individuals demonstrate impairments with mostly what type of gesture?
What is ... pointing (page 182).
If a child is providing only semantic information through gestures (pretending to drink out of a cup) how may you target verbal expression?
What is ... The clinician may imitate the child’s gesture while providing the spoken translation ("to drink"). (page 184) Note: gestures complement early spoken words.
What stage of gesture development is shown in the video? 2:39
What is .. Ritualized gesture
How does an infant show their first signs of intentional communication?
What is... SHOWING OFF: Infants repeat behaviors that have previously been successful in gaining adult attention. This is the entry into diectic gestures. (Page 174)
Do children with Down Syndrome have larger or smaller repertoires of gesture compared to normally developing children matched for word comprehension on the MCDI (MacArthur Communicative Developmental Inventory)?
What is ... larger Note: Gesture production is a strength for children with DS relative to their receptive and expressive language skills. (page 181)
Why is it important for parents of children with language and developmental delays to be aware of gesture development and gesture types?
What is.. Parents sometimes miss their child's initiation of communication via gestures. If parents do not respond to gesture communication children will not re-initiate their message. These children may then miss crucial opportunities for communication and language learning.
What stage of gesture development is shown in the video? (1:55)
What is ... Body Part as Object gesture
Give three examples of how you use gesture in your every day communication? State and show.
What is...
How may you use gesture in intervention when working with children with down syndrome?
What is .. manual scaffolding - Children with DS focus longer on tasks and more often complete tasks when gesture is used for cueing rather than spoken scaffolding.
How have you used gestures to compliment spoken language or elicit comprehension in any previous clinical experience?
What is...How have you used gestures to compliment spoken language or elicit comprehension in any previous clinical experience?