Test-Taking Strategies
Word Study
Reading Comprehension
Main Idea
Point of View
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Cause Effect
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Context Clues

The night before MAP-R, it's a good idea to

a. order a pizza

b. get a good night's sleep

c. watch Netflix all night

What is B: get a good night's sleep?


Letters added to the beginning of a word, like un in unhappy, is a... 

A. suffix

B. root

C. prefix

What is C, a prefix?


Ramon and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessica’s turn to choose, and only Kurt was left. Jessica said, “Kurt.” We can infer that 

A. Kurt is not a very good player. 

B. Jessica and Kurt are best friends. 

C. Kurt was the best player on either team. 

D. Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurt’s feelings.

What is A, Kurt is not a very good player?


My point of view on religion might not be the same as yours, but I still respect your beliefs. 

The best synonym for point of view is:

A. choice        B. perspective          C. attitude

What is B, perspective?


There is no way that I can give you money that I don’t even possess

What is a synonym for the word "possess"?

 a. own       b. win       c. hold       d. want

What is A, own


When you are answering a reading question, it helps to

a. listen to music

b. skim the reading quickly

c. read the questions first

What is C: read the questions first


The prefix un in unfriendly means:

a. before

b. not

c. again

What is B, not?


When water is heated, molecules move more quickly and the water begins to boil.  

The words in italics (when water is heated) is the

A. cause                 B. effect

What is A, the cause?


Sea waters are rising and polar bears are dying as a result of the earth gradually getting warmer. 

The words in italics are:

A. the cause                        B. the effect

What is B, the effect?


Sunglasses will only hinder your ability to see at night. Hinder means to: 

a. accept       b. describe      c. equal     d. prevent

What is D, prevent?


If you don't really understand the reading passage, it's a good idea to:

a. skip that question

b. ask a classmate to explain it to you

c. read it again using close reading skills

What is C: read it again using close reading skills


What does the suffix (letters added to the END of a word) less mean in these words: fearless, penniless, hopeless, painless

A.  without

B.  full of

c.  able to

What is A, without


Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild behavior has been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. She is also learning some bad words from the shows she watches. We need to pull the plug on the TV! 

What is the main idea of this paragraph? 

A. All cartoons are bad.                                     

B. Watching a lot of television isn’t good for Maria. 

C. Books are better for toddlers than TV.             

D. Maria's wild behavior needs to stop. 

What is B, Watching a lot of television isn't good for Maria.


Read the author's word choice in describing Susan's argument with her parents. How do you think Susan is feeling during this fight?

The question is asking you to:

 A. state the main idea                                        B. give the author's perspective                         C. make an inference about Susan

What is C, make an inference about Susan


Heather's mother taught her to never let anyone degrade her, so now she demands respect in all her friendships. 

Degrade means to

A. give a lower grade                                         B. treat with disrespect                                                      C. physically harm someone

What is B, treat with disrespect?


If you have four answer choices and you're not sure which one is correct, you should...

What is A: reduce your answer choices by eliminating the ones you know are wrong


In the word preview, the prefix is _______ which means ____________

a.  view, which means to see

b. pre, which means again

c. pre, which means before

What is C: pre, which means before


The world honey bee population is in serious danger.

Which text evidence best supports this statement?

A. "Honey bees have been pollinating farmers’ crops and giving us delicious honey for centuries." 

B. "Beginning in the mid-2000s, something started to go wrong. American beekeepers discovered that the bees in their beehives were disappearing or dying."

C. "Many countries around the world have documented a 40% decline in the number of bee populations, including China, Brazil, North America, and Europe." 

What is C? 


Which quotation is the best text evidence to show how a new student's point of view on school changes throughout the school year?

A. "It takes me five tries to open my locker and no one here talks to me."

B. "At first I thought the kids were mean and the teachers were crazy, but now I have three good friends and everyone is so helpful."

C. "I don't understand why I can't go home for lunch, and my parents are surprised I don't get more homework."

What is B?


Mr. Blake's charisma made him the most popular teacher at South Lakes High School. 

Use context clues to define the word charisma.

What is a quality that makes someone well-liked or popular? 


When you come across an unfamiliar vocabulary word in a reading passage, you should...

What is B: try to determine the meaning from context clues and breaking down the word (roots, prefixes, suffixes)


What are two words that contain the root struct, which means 'build'?

What are construct, construction, destruct, destruction, instruct, instruction, instructor, structure


Paraphrase this prompt:

How is the author's perspective on bullying evident in her characterization of Julian in her book Julian and me? 

I should write about how the character of Julian shows what the author thinks about bullying.


Paraphrase this prompt:

Compare and contrast the characters of Wind Rider and Miss Whitlaw in the novel Dragonwings. Explain each of these character's perspectives on learning about and adjusting to new cultures. 

I need to explain how Wind Rider and Miss Whitlaw are similar and different. I also need to explain what they each think about cultures that are different from their own. 


It is difficult to forgive someone who has hurt you, even if that person is penitent and expresses regret for their decisions. 

Use context clues to define the word penitent.

What is remorseful or sorry? 
