A news story makes you feel unhappy or mad. This emotion is...
What is anger
What kind of article is this (news report, opinion column, satire): "Subway Introduces Mandatory 72-Hour Psychiatric Hold for Anyone Thinking of Ordering a Sandwich."
What is satire
If other sources are talking about a story it makes it more...
What is reliable
You take a moment to pause and think about the information you have checked out. You are...
What is reflecting
You should only post a news story if it is...
What is true
A news story makes you feel anxious or scared. This emotion is...
What is nervousness
What kind of article is this (news report, opinion column, satire): “America Should be in the Middle of a Schools Revolution”
What is opinion
The quality of being trusted or believed in is...
What is credibility
This may occur if you share an article on social media
What is disagreement
Who is responsible for stopping the spread of misinformation
What is everyone
If other sources have reported on the story, it is probably more...
What is credible
A prejudice in favor or against one thing, person or group compared to another is...
What is bias
What key details should you check for in a story when checking for credibility?
What is location, dates and people involved
Personal thoughts and feelings play an important role when deciding to share news online. These thoughts and feelings are also called...
What are emotions
It's important to research and know information about the topic you share. After researching you'd become more ___...
What is knowledgeable
Who has the power to prevent the spread of misinformation
What is everyone
It is important to identify certain prejudices or opinions from the author when checking the credibility of news. These prejudices are called …
What are biases
Doing this can help make sure facts in the story are correct
What is fact-checking
Declaring your public opinion or support for the information is called...
What is endorsing the information
Once you have checked the information, you can post it to social platforms such as...
Instagram, twitter, snapchat, Facebook.
__% of Americans say it is hard to identify false information — intentionally misleading and inaccurate stories portrayed as truth — on social media.
What is 59%
In order to analyze the story, it is important to identify the key message of the article, also known as the...
What is the main idea
Investigating an issue in order to verify the facts is called...
What is fact-checking
It is important to check your emotions at these steps in the SCOOP process...
Start assessing and Own your opinion
In rural Nebraska, friends, family and acquaintances are the most trusted news source, with __% of survey respondents trusting word-of-mouth news.
What is 75%