Does Ash like country music?
What college is Ash going to and what are her majors?
UC Merced, Mech Engineering + Child Psych
What is one color Ash has dyed her hair before?
Any of these: Blue, Black, Red, Purple, Green, Blonde, Pink
Favorite Dessert?
Flan for real <3 (cookies counts too ig)
Can Ash do a 2min plank?
NO you're funny, I wish. I can only do 1:30
We all know Ash sings, but what instrument does she play?
What month was Ash born in?
omg like Ginika slayy
Does Ash like rasins?
What is Ash's favorite game?
Does Ash want tattoos?
Who's concert has Ash been to?
What's Ash's Eye Color?
Has Ash left the country?
Yes, Puerto Rico (Territory so technically yk)
Her favorite animal??
A. Lions
B. Frogs
C. Dogs
Frogs, specifically Coqui (But I love all of them)
What Sport did Ash do in high school?
Swimming glub glub
What's Ash's favorite anime?
(Clue, ____, ______ and other ______)
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
What's Ash's Favorite Car?
Nissan GT-R R35 (Double Jeopardy if exactly correct)
Where would Ash go if she can go anywhere in the world?
Germany, nature seems nice there
Favorite Music Genre??
Rap/Hip-Hop and Reggaeton (Double jeopardy if both said)
Can Ash whistle?
Does Ash prefer Xbox or Playstation?
What is Ash's Shoe Size?
6.5men/8.5women (Double Jeopardy if they also said wide)
What show is Ash obsessed with?
Double Jeopardy if favorite character is guessed too
South Park, Randy
What is Ash's Favorite Flower?
(Not too common)
How old was Ashley when she learned to ride a bike?