does bishop Smith have sports equipment.
what is yes it does?
do grade 7/8's get taught French.
what is yes, french is a subject learnt at bishop?
how many days are in a full week of school at Bishop.
what is five days?
do students get to go skiing throughout the winter
what is yes, there's a Winter fest ( skiing, skating, snowshoeing)
where do you eat lunch
what is the cafeteria?
whats the most popular school sport
what is badminton?
do the grade 7/8's have one teacher for all there subjects.
what is no?
are any of the 7/8 classes downstairs.
what is French is downstairs?
does Bishop Smith have pj days.
what is yes?
are you or are you not allowed to stay in the 7/8 wing during lunch
what is yes you can stay upstairs?
what colour are the bishop smith jerseys
what is blue and gold?
does bishop study the same subjects as elementary schools.
what is they are all the same as elementary schools?
in between classes there are breaks how long are they
what is five minutes?
where does bishop Smith host assembly's
what is in the main gym or grade 7/8 gym?
while the grade eights eat lunch where do grade sevens go.
what is the grade 7/8 lounge
what is the most popular time to practice sports.
what is at lunch?
do new students get provided with Chromebooks.
what is everybody will receive a Chromebook?
how many teachers do you have.
what is four?( main, rotary, French, music)
do grade 7/8's have a smash and pass day.
what is yes there is?
is the cafeteria open to the high school students the grade 7/8's or both.
what is both of the grade 7/8's and the high school students?
What's the last sport played at bishop (at the end of the year).
what is softball?
do you need to move classes for different subjects
what is yes you move for different subjects?
what time does the day end.
what is 2:25 pm?
do grade 7/8's have a reindeer game
what is yes,there's a smaller version for the elementary side?
how much is a freeze in the cafeteria.
what is $1.75