How should you use your time?
A: wisely
B: however you want because yolo
A: wisely
Which month is Oksana's birthday?
A: January
B: March
C: February
What is Jaziel's favorite dog breed?
A: German Shepard
B: Golden Retriever
C: Bloodhounds
B: Golden Retriever
True or False: Tommy likes to play hockey
What should you do when you want to say something?
Raise your hand
What instrument does Oksana play?
D: Kazoo
B: The violin
What is Jaziel's favorite color?
What is his favorite food?
A: Tacos
B: Cheeseburgers
C: hotdogs
Which of the following does Andrew like
A. Pizza
B. Burgers
C. Salads
D. Chicken Nuggets
A. Pizza
How many people talk during a time?
A: 2
C: Doesn't matter, as long as you can hear the person that you're paying attention to
D: 1
1 person talks at a time
True or False: Oksana's blood type is AB-
What is Jaziel's first language?
A: Italian
B: Portuguese
C: Catalan
D: Spanish
D: Spanish
True or false: his favorite season is winter
True or false? Andrew is 6 feet tall
False, 6'1
When should you use your phone in class?
Only when you have permission
What language does Oksana speak other than English?
What is Jaziel's favorite show?
What does Tommy like to do in his free time.
A. Read
B. Play video games
C. sleep
D. Cook.
B. Play Video games
What is Andrew's favorite color?
A. Pink
B. Green
C. Blue
D. Black
At what volume should your voice be at?
A: Always quiet
B: Loud enough for everyone to hear you
C: Appropriate voice depending on the situation
C: Appropriate voice depending on the situation
What kind of animal did I sneak into my house when I was in 2nd grade?
A: a bird
B: a rabbit
C: a frog
D: ants
E: other
A: a bird
True or False: Jaziel would play with a panther, but is too scared because it might eat him
Which of the following is Tommy's favorite color?
4. Purple
3. Green
True or false? Andrew is a cat person
False, he likes dogs