I like this type of food that is a red liquid and was originated in Ukraine.
I like going to a place that is in our area. That place has the 8th tallest roller coaster in the world.
Canada's Wonderland
I like and play this sport that this famous player plays. He says SUI when he scores.
On the summer break I usually go to a place in the woods that you stay their and roast marshmallows. You also might upon some raccoons.
I used to play this video games when I was around 7 -8 years old. To this day it is still a pretty popular game. Everything in the game is squares or rectangles.
I like going after school or with my family to this fast food places that is the world largest fast food chain. The company has more than 39,000 locations in about 100 different countries.
Last year I went on a trip during summer break that has the worlds biggest castle in the world and one of the oldest salt mines.
I like doing this when I'm bored or I have to do it for a school project. It includes a paper and colours. A famous person named Leonardo da Vinci.
Sometimes during school you will have a day where you would go on a school bus somewhere, usually in the woods where their is a path for science and do the work there.
School field trip
This game is known for people saying it's bad and the memes about it. Usually when people would play it they would yell "GET 200 PUMPED"
This is my favourite kebab place and it is only located down town. The station to get of at is Union.
When I was 7 I went on vacation to a place that is one of the most popular destinations in the world. It's also the 86th most populous country in the world.
Dominican Republic
I like going to my friends house and the parents give us sleeping bags. We usually stay up very late.
Some people might have it and some people might. You usually have some plants and/or your own fruits/vegetables growing like I do. Some people might have other chairs and a deck.
In school during literacy, Mr. Rosenfeld would make us play this game on a website called MindGames after our independent time.
Text Twist
I like this fast food place that is know for having square burgers instead of round. It is also known for having frosty.
I went on a trip last summer break that is the largest island in the Caribbean and the most famous sport their is baseball.
This is my favourite subject in school and I love it because Mr. Rosenfeld teaches it.
I like going to a field that is known for having 1 type of flower, the flower has a yellow colour. They are also decently tall.
Sun flower field
This is the worst game on the planet and I always hated it. When I see someone play it I die inside. They have a currency that people buy.
I love this fast food place that you can pick your own toppings to put on your burger. It is a Canadian fast food chain. The only place this fast food place is not in Canada is British Columbia.
2 years ago I went to a place that is in southwestern British Colombia Canada. It has the highest real estate prices in Canada.
I like sitting in my room on the weekends and smashing my keyboard when I loose.
Video games
Sometimes when I am driving places that are not as popular and their are no stores around. I usually see these huge fields of grass. I always see a metal shelter that is red and white, the shelter is not always red and white but I mostly see it like that.
This is my favorite game that I usually play when I come back home from school. A friend of mine also plays it. His name is Ben