Why St. Mikes?
Activities outside of class
Fun Fact!

Whose major is business?

Kyle, Jack, Ashley, Josiah, Ally

Why business?


Why did Jack choose St. Mikes?

Jack chose St. Mikes because of the area of Vermont surrounding campus and the business department was the best of any school he toured because he could tell the staff genuinely enjoyed and had fun with what they were teaching.


What does Jack do outside of class?

Outside of academics, Jack enjoys a lot of outdoor activities such as kayaking, hiking, camping, and watching sports.


What did Jack learn to do over the summer?

Jack learned to do a 360 underwater flip in a kayak.


What does Jack want to do after college?

Jack wants to become a financial advisor and potentially open his own deli.


Why did Ashley choose St. Mikes?

Ashley chose St. Mikes to continue enjoying everything Vermont has to offer and be part of a community she is proud of.


What does Ashley do outside of class?

Outside of class, Ashley gives tours to prospective students and works at the desk in the admissions office. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her roommates and binge watch Survivor.


What is Ashley's favorite season?

Ashley's favorite season is summer where her and her family go on camping trips and take their boat out most weekends.


How did Ashley become interested in business?

Ashley took all the classes offered in the business department in high school. She was also part of the National Business Honor Society.


Why did Ally choose St. Mikes?

Small school and sense of community while visiting.


What does Ally do outside of class?

Ally is the men's basketball manager for St. Mikes. She also enjoys to color!


What languages can Ally speak?

Ally can speak a good amount of Spanish and has also taken Chinese for 3 years, Latin for 5, and French for 1 before.


What does Ally want to do after college?

After college, Ally hopes to do people's finances. Once her finance days are over, she hopes to become a 3rd-5th grade math teacher.


Why did Josiah choose St. Mikes?

Josiah chose St. Mikes to be close to the mountains and the campus.


What does Josiah do outside of class?

Outside of class, Josiah likes to ski the different mountains in Vermont and parts of Maine and New Hampshire. He also enjoys playing soccer, basketball, hiking, sports betting, and watching movies.


How many siblings does Josiah have?

Josiah has 4 brothers!


Why did Josiah choose business and management?

Josiah chose business and this specific management class because of his want to learn how to inspire others to do their best.


Why did Kyle choose St. Mikes?



What does Kyle do outside of class?

One of Kyle's hobbies is fishing. Because he likes to share his passions with others, he co founded a fishing club at his high school.


What is Kyle's favorite car?

Kyle has a strong passion for cars and he buys and sells cars. His favorite car is a Porsche 911 gt3. 


What's one of Kyle's passions?

One of Kyle's passions is skiing and incorporating his leadership skills in it. He shares his knowledge with other athletes while coaching for the New York Ski Education Foundation.
