This is the primary place people look for jobs today.
What is the internet?
These are three things personal to you that you should include on an application for a job.
Your name, age and Your birthdate.
This is what you should do with your phone when walking into your interview.
silence or turn off.
This is the respect I show for my job and the people I work for, this is called what?
Professionalism or being professional.
Calling my employer, saying I will be late will get me fired.. True or False.
The name of these job specifics are what employers list on a job post that they are looking for in a job applicant.
What are qualifications?
a list of my job experiences.
How should you approach dressing for an interview? it should always be( blank) towards your interviewer?
This is the paper with all of my past job experience on it, its called..
The owner is the person to ask, when I have a question on the job. True or False. If false provide correct answer.
An interviewer will ask you about your Strengths and Weaknesses. Give an example on each for yourself.
answers will vary
If your under the age of fifteen, you need this to work.. It rhymes with Kermit.
Work permit.
This will happen if I lie in my interview to get the job..
I won't perform well or be able to keep the job if I lie about my abilities.
This is how I show that I'm listening..
Body language, posture, eye contact.
This is how you express concern, anger, or frustration with your supervisor in the workplace.
a. Publicly
b. Privately
Not publicly, privately address the concern.
These might be the best jobs available to an adult fresh out of High School.
Fast food worker, Janitor, entry level positions etc.
Human Resources is the department I call when searching for a job. True or False
What is true?
This is the way I should greet my interviewer when meeting them.
Shake their hand, and introduce myself.
If my interviewer is speaking than I am...
Listening or not speaking.
When speaking with a customer and they begin to argue with me or become difficult; I should always do this..
Go bring the concern to the supervisor.
Name two ways that you could search for a job.
Internet, in person, classifieds section in paper, ads.
This is least important for you to put on your work history; educational history or personal photo's
Personal photo's
If I don't know the job requirements, than I don't value this...
My employers time or work.
A resume should have your marital status, that you were in foster care, and your number of kids
True or False.
A fringe benefit is considered a "perk" for your job not included in your earned income. Sick leave is considered a fringe benefit- True or False.