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Tiberius held the consulship this many times.
What is What is three times? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Name his three colleagues.
Caligula paid the legacies left in the wills of these two people in AD 37.
Who is Tiberius & Livia?
Claudius argued for the admission of provincials from this area to the senate.
What is Gaul?
This couple had quite a deadly rivalry with Germanicus & Agrippina I.
Who is Piso & Plancina? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – What happened to this couple?
Tacitus seems to have been scarred by his experiences under this emperor.
What is Domitian? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Who was Domitian’s idol?
Tiberius took a strong stance against these two cults.
What is Jewish & Egyptian?
This prince was a close friend of many of the Julio-Claudian family – but it seems that Caligula was particularly fond of him.
Who is Herod Agrippa?
Claudius gave each Praetorian Guardsmen this many sesterces upon his accession.
What is 15 000 sesterces? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – What is a potential problem with this ‘bonus’?
Before being made Praetorian Prefect, Macro held this position.
What is prefect of the vigiles?
Suetonius' career took place during the reigns of these two emperors.
Who are Trajan & Hadrian?
Tiberius transferred the election of magistrates from the comitia to this body.
What is the senate? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – what happened to the elections under Caligula & Claudius?
Caligula organised a three & a half mile roadway built across ships between these points.
What is Baiae & Puteoli? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – What was a consequence of this spectacle OR explain why Caligula may have wanted to construct this spectacle?
This author wrote a sympathetic, fictional account of Claudius’ life in the 1930s.
What is Robert Graves?
This title was often given to prospective heirs if they were still young.
What is princeps iuventis? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Name TWO boys who were given this title.
This Jewish writer actually met Caligula.
What is Philo? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Explain the circumstances of their meeting.
This man led a revolt against Rome in North Africa from AD 17-24.
What is Tacfarinas? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Which commander finally defeated him?
Caligula deposed this king in Mauretania, which caused massive issues in the region.
Who is King Ptolemy? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Why may Caligula have made this decision?
Claudius made more formal use of these members of his household in his government.
What is his freedmen? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Name the four most famous freedmen.
This historian committed suicide under Tiberius – possibly trying to avoid a guilty verdict in a maiestas trial.
Who is Cremutius Cordus?
We are missing Tacitus’ account of this emperor’s reign.
Who is Caligula? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – How much are we missing from his accounts of the other emperors?
These men led a nationalist revolt in Gaul in AD 21-22.
What is Julius Sacrovir & Julius Florus? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Which commander led the troops that crushed this revolt?
During the troubles in Alexandria, Caligula recalled this Prefect of Egypt to Rome.
Who is Avillius Flaccus? \ DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Who had Flaccus once been particularly close with (that might explain his recall& execution)?
Claudius’ reputation underwent a rehabilitation under these emperors.
Who are the Flavians?
This nobleman seems to have been one of the leaders of a conspiracy against Caligula.
Who is Marcus Aemilius Lepidus? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Explain his relationship to Caligula.
This political satire lampoons the deification of Claudius.
What is Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Why might Seneca have had a personal grudge against Claudius?